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Queer Theory: Interacting between Realities and Fantasies (酷儿理论: 现实与想象的相互作用) Yuan Honggeng July 24,2009 报告人学术背景 袁洪庚,博士(香港大学),现任外国语学院三级教授;主要研究方向为英语文学;在《文艺研究》、 《外国文学评论》、 《外国文学研究》、 《外语教学与研究》、《外国文学》、《文艺报》、《国外文学》、《当代外国文学》、《外国语》、《译林》、China Today、等文学界、外语界的权威、核心刊物(CSSCI)上发表《转折与流变:中国当代玄学侦探小说发生论》等论文几十篇,其中有多篇收入中国人大书报资料中心《外国文学研究》集刊;译有《北回归线》等英语文学作品8部,另在《世界文学》等刊物上发表译文几十篇,共约160万字;近年来主要从事后现代主义文学研究,是中国大陆系统研究玄学侦探小说第一人。 通信地址:730000 兰州天水南路222号兰州大学外国语学院  电话:0931-8912274 电子邮件:yuanhg@ Main Contents 1. Queer theory 2. Marching towards democracy? 3. Sociological realities vs. literary fantasies 4. Where are we and where are we heading to? Introduction: Queer theory grew out of homosexual [gay/lesbian] studies Queer theory is a branch of study or theoretical speculation. Teresa de Lauretis the feminist first used the term in 1990. Gay/lesbian studies, in turn, grew out of feminist studies and feminist theory. The word queer“ is originally a derogatory term, now used by gays and lesbians to refer to themselves. The word queer is originally an offensive term for an openly homosexual person, odd, unconventional, or eccentric, as in behavior and speech, hence its alignment with ideas about homosexuality. How the term “queer” came into being The term queer eventually came into being because both gays, who preferred regarding themselves as males, and lesbians, who, aligning themselves with the feminist movement, condemned the gay movement as sharing the anti-female attitudes of reigning patriarchal culture agreed upon the notion of queer. To describe oneself as a queer is to resist all that are considered “straight” . 1. Queer theory Queer theory is basically deconstructive and a trend with the broader conception of postmodernism, as shown in its dismantling of the key binary oppositions of Western culture, such as, in the aspect of human sexuality, sex/gender, male/female, heterosexual/homosexual, natural/unnatural, etc. As a new subculture, queer theory is a


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