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3.0万吨/年二甲醚装置分离工段精馏塔设计 摘 要 二甲醚(DME)具有一系列优良的物理化学性质,可用于于制药、染料、农药、气溶胶喷雾剂和制冷剂,另外,二甲醚作为一种新型清洁能源,市场前景非常可观。所以对二甲醚生产工艺的研究具有重要意义。 本设计主要针对二甲醚生产工艺的分离工段进行计算。通过计算理论塔板数、塔效率、实际板数、进料位置,在板式塔主要工艺尺寸的设计计算中得出塔径、有效塔高、筛孔数。通过塔板的流体力学验算,证明各指标数据均符合标准,以保证精馏过程的顺利进行并使效率尽可能的提高。 二甲醚的分离是一个三组分的多组分分离,所以本设计采用两个简单精馏塔,即一个二甲醚塔和一个甲醇回收塔来将三种物质分离。为使工艺中尽可能的节约原料,所以将物系中的甲醇进行回收,继而将分离得到的甲醇气化得到气化甲醇,重新应用到生产流程中,使工艺流程更加合理化。 关键词:二甲醚 工艺设计 多组分分离 计算 Separation of Producing 30kt/a DME Process Design ABSTRACT Dimethyl ether (DME),which has many excellent physical and chemical properties for manufacturing pharmacy, dye, pesticide, spraying solvent and refrigerant, is widely used as raw materials. As a novel clean fuel, DME has a very promising future for developments. SO, it is magnificent to study on the process of producing DME. The design of the main production process for the separation of DME section in the calculation. Through the sieve plate distillation column design, I initial grasp the basic principles and methods of chemical design. Total condenser is used to accurately control the reflux ratio at the top of the tower, It use direct steam heating at Bottom of the column, in order to provide sufficient heat. By calculating the number of theoretical plates, efficiency, the actual plate number, feed location, it Calculate the column diameter, effective tower, sieve number by the main technical dimensions design calculation of Plate column. By checking fluid mechanics, it prove the index data are in line with standards, ensure the smooth progress and to improve efficiency as much as possible. Separation of DME is a separation of three components of the multi-component. Therefore, this design uses two simple distillation column, one of DME and one of methanol recovery. In order to process raw materials savings as much as possible, so the material in the methanol recovery system, and then the isolated methanol gasification gasified methanol, re-applied to the production process, so that process to rationalize. Keyword


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