787kj_新人教版英语必修4 unit2 working the land-language points ppt.ppt

787kj_新人教版英语必修4 unit2 working the land-language points ppt.ppt

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787kj_新人教版英语必修4 unit2 working the land-language points ppt

一、说出下列英语的中文意思。 1.hunger 2.sunburn 3.struggle 4.super 5.output 6.circulate 7.satisfied 8.equip 9.freedom 10.violin 11. export 12.suitable 13.chemical 14.confuse 15.mineral 16.reduce 17.supply 18.level 19.certain 20.summary 二.根据提示进行词性变换。 1.hunger n. ________ adj. 2.sunburn v. __________ adj. 3.expand v. ___________ n. 4.circulate v. _____________ n. 5.equip v. _________ n. 6.freedom n._______ adj. 7.export v. __________ n. ___________ n. 8.chemical adj.____________ n. ________ n. 9.confuse v._________ adj. ___________ adj. 10.suitable adj. ___________ n. v. 11.mineral n. _________ n. v ________ n. 12.reduce v. _________ n. 三、用给出单词的适当形式填空。 1.The poor boy often goes _______, so he is weak with ________ .(hunger ) 2. If you are _______,please make a report on _____ of speech among people. (free) 3.The ship is ____with military ______. (equip) 4. All these ________ questions make me _________ . ( confuse) 四、翻译下列短语 1.摆脱,除去 2.对……满意 3.而不是 4.搜寻 5.过……的生活 6.查阅;提到 7.毕业于 8.由于;多亏 9.在乎;状态 10.过去常常 11.带着某种希望 12.盛产;富含 13.坚决要求 14.宁愿做 15.更喜欢做 16.与…作斗争 五、完成下列句子。 1.他们与恶劣的天气作战。 They ____________ the bad weather. 2.我对这个结果感到不满意。 I _______________ the result. 3.这个房间装有空调. This room ________ air conditioner. 4.Tom ____________________(坚持要求他被派)to work in the country last year. 5.Remember:________________________(无论发生什么), don’t get nervous. 6.Prices have risen steadily_____________________ (在过去的10年里). 1.He died a heroic ______ . 2.He ________ a forced smile. 3.Then they lived a dog’s ______. 4.She ______a 100-metre race. 5.We slept a comfortable ____ last night. * * * * 人教版新课标2010届高考一轮复习高一必修4 unit 2 饥饿,欲望 日晒,日灼 斗争,拼搏,努力 特级的,极好的 产量,输出


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