
[工学]多媒体教室信息采集通讯系统 毕业设计.doc

[工学]多媒体教室信息采集通讯系统 毕业设计.doc

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[工学]多媒体教室信息采集通讯系统 毕业设计

多媒体教室信息采集和通讯系统 INFORMATION COLLECTION AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM OF MULTIMEDIA CLASSROOM 摘 要 随着计算机技术在教学领域的应用不断加深,多媒体教室的使用也越来越广泛。多媒体教学为学习者提供了更为丰富、优质的学习资源,对提高教学质量、转变教学观念产生积极影响。因此,对于多媒体教室的管理需要一个行之有效的方法。 本文提出了一个基于C/S结构的多媒体教室信息管理和通讯的方法,并且进行了系统实现。本文首先简单对C#语言,SQL SERVER 2008和C/S结构等技术进行介绍。接着分析系统的功能需求,并对其进行功能模块的划分。主要分为通讯模块和信息管理模块。其中,通讯模块包括服务器与各教室客户端的通讯、服务器与所有教室客户机之间的通讯,通讯内容包括文字信息、语音信息、视频信息、传送文件、远程协助等。信息管理模块包括教室管理、多媒体设备管理、保修系统等,可以对教室信息、设备信息、报修单进行增加、查询、修改、删除,并且可以进行一段时间内的统计查询。 本系统的开发使用可以更好地让我们运用多媒体教室,帮助学校有效管理多媒体教室以及设备的统计。 关键字:多媒体教室管理; 局域网; C#; SQL SERVER 2008 ABSTRACT With the development of the application of computer technology in the teaching field, the use of multimedia classroom is more and more extensive. Multimedia teaching provides learners a richer and higher-quality learning resource and it can improve the quality of teaching. It makes a positive impact on changes of teaching concepts. Therefore, it needs an effective approach for the management of multimedia classrooms. In this paper, a multimedia classroom information management and communication method based on C / S structure is proposed and realized. First this article briefly introduces the C # language, SQL SERVER 2008 and C / S structure. Then it analyzes the systems functional requirements, and makes the division of functional modules. The system is mainly divided into two modules: the communication module and the management module. The former includes communication between the server and clients in every classroom, which is made of text messages, voice messages, video messages, file transfer and remote assistance. The information management module includes classroom management, multimedia equipment management and warranty system. It can achieve a lot of functions, for example, increase, query, modify or delete the information of classrooms, equipment and repair orders. In addition, statistical inquiry within a period of time is allowed. We can make better use of multimedia classrooms with the development o


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