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摘 要 拉床主要应用于对通孔、平面以及成形表面的加工。虽然拉刀的机构复杂、成本高,但是其加工效率高、加工精度高而且有较细的表面粗糙度,因此在机械加工中占有相当重要地位。因拉削时拉床受到的切削力非常大,所以它通常是由液压驱动的。就着液压传动的各种优点如:工作平稳;大范围内能实现无级调速,还可以在运转中进行调速等优点,使得液压系统在拉床上的应用更使其体现出了更高的价值。正如本次研究的多工位平面拉床液压传动系统对缩短加工时间,提高加工自动化和加工效率有着非常重要的意义。 本文不仅对液压传动系统做了必要的介绍,而且针对多工位平面拉床液压传动进行了详细的参数的计算、系统设计、阀块选择、油箱设计、管道设计和结构的组成,并使其符合加工零件的要求。 关键词: 多工位拉床; 液压传动系统; 液压泵; 液压缸; 液压油箱。 ABSTRACT Broaching machine is mainly used for through-hole, flat, and forming the surface of the processing.Although the agency broach complicated and costly, but the processing of high efficiency, high machining accuracy and surface roughness are smaller, and therefore occupies a very important machining status. When broaching broaching machine because the cutting force are very large, it is usually driven by hydraulic pressure. On the hydraulic transmission of a variety of advantages such as: steady work; within a wide range to achieve stepless speed regulation, can also be carried out in the operation of the advantages of speed, the hydraulic system makes the application of bed in the drawing to reflect more a higher value. As this study of multi-plane hydraulic broaching machine drive system to shorten processing time and improve the efficiency of processing automation and processing has a very important significance. This article not only to the hydraulic drive system to do the necessary to introduce, but also multi-plane hydraulic broaching machine carried out a detailed calculation of the parameters, system design, valve block selection, fuel tank design, piping design and structure of the composition, and bring them into conformity with the requirements of the target performance and economy. Keywords:Multi-broaching machine; hydraulic drive system; hydraulic pump; hydraulic cylinder; hydraulic tank. 目 录 1. 绪论 2 1.1 所属领域及发展情况 2 1.2 本课题研究的意义、目的及内容 3 2. 明确设计要求,进行工况分析 3 2.1明确设计要求 3 2.2 进行工况分析 3 3. 确定液压缸的主要参数 5 3.1.推送缸主要参数计算 5 3.2 夹紧缸主要参数计算 8 3.3 升降缸主要参数计算 11 3.4 拉加工缸主要参数计算 13 4. 初步拟定液压系统方案 16 4.1 总体分析 16 4


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