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摘要 随着社会的不断地发展和进步,人们的生活意识也不断的提高,智能建筑已经慢慢的进入大家的生活。同时智能建筑也在飞快的完善自身的水平,现在,智能建筑设计已向系统集成化和管理综合化的方向发展,而智能建筑电气设计又是智能建筑设计过程中相当重要的一部分。另外,由于住宅建筑正向面积大、高层、超高层、多功能、综合性用途发展,更由于科学技术的发展,因此对建筑电气提出了更高的要求。这就要求在智能建筑电气设计的过程中,还必须考虑到将来新型电器的不断发展,从而留有充足的电气条件。 本次毕业设计的内容是智能建筑电气设计,设计对象是沈阳某小区2#楼电气设计。 配电系统采用三相四线制引至楼内的配电设施,单相入户。照明和插座的设计主要依据相关手册的规定,根据每个房间的用途选型,安排灯具和插座的数量和位置。按用电设备的容量和性质确定每户回路。有线电视系统是通过同轴电缆传输,把电视信号分配给许多电视机用户。关键词:供配电;电气照明;有线电视; Abstract Along with the steady development and progress of the society, people’s living also awareness increases continuous exaltation. The intelligence construct has already entered everyones life slowly. In the meantime the intelligence building are more and more perfect by oneself, Now the intelligence building design has already turned to the direction development that synthesizes to turn with management toward the system integration, And the intelligence building electricity design is one of the important partment in the intelligence building design processes. In addition, as the civil building is developed to the large area, ultra multi-function, comprehensive use, and because of improvement of living standards of the people, development of science and technology, there is high demand to the electric design of the building put forward. This graduation project is the electricity design of intelligent construction. The design object’s is 2# place in ShenYang certain block. The electric designs are divided into two parts, including the strong electricity design and the weak electricity. The strong electricity part mainly is for the electric power distribution system, the electric lighting, the plug design, anti-radar grounding and so on; the weak electricity part includes the cable television system, the fire prevention system, the comprehensive wiring system, three-meter distant delivery, video intercom, theft warning and other intellectualized systems. This design includes cable television system in weak electricity part , 20blueprints are drawn using CA


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