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英美文学论文-从《喧哗与骚动》中凯蒂的悲剧看20世纪初女性的社会地位 Abstract Caddy was the central character in The Sound and the Fury. There was no separate chapter to express her thoughts, but everything was connected with her. From Benjy to Jason, the narration of each of them reflected what Caddy’s life was like. Caddy was a tragic character in the novel. In the novel, Faulkner used multiple-angled narration to express Caddy’s tragedy, and the causes of it mainly came from two aspects. One was the pressure from her family, Benjy, her youngest brother’s complete dependence on her. Quentin, her elder brother, who had a special affection for Caddy, thought excessively highly of her virginity. What Caddy had suffered caused his loss of mental balance; at last, he chose to commit suicide. Besides, her mother and brother Jason treated her heartlessly. The other cause was the backward feudalism and traditional code. All of these turned Caddy into a promiscuous, degenerate woman from a pure girl. However, Caddy’s tragedy showed a fact that women had a low social position and were treated unfairly in the early 20th century. At that time, women got only few economical, political and educational rights, they could not enjoy equal rights with men and they were not respected by society. Key Words Caddy; tragedy; code; women’s right ? ? 摘 要 在小说中, 凯蒂是整个故事的中心,虽然没有以她的观点为中心的单独的一章, 但是所有的都与她息息相关,从班吉到杰生,他们每个人的叙述都反映出了凯蒂的生活。她所扮演的是一个悲剧角色. 在小说中,福克纳运用了多角度的叙述法来表现凯蒂的悲剧。而凯蒂的悲剧主要来自两方面。一方面来自她的家庭的压力,小弟班吉对她的完全依赖,而哥哥昆丁对凯蒂有一种特殊的感情,他过分看中凯蒂的贞节 ,凯蒂所遭受的一切使他在精神上失去了平衡,最后,他选择了自杀。另外,她的母亲以及大弟杰生对她冷酷无情。另外一个原因就是落后的封建主义以及传统的准则。所有的这些原因使凯蒂从一个纯洁的女孩变成了一个轻佻浪荡的女人。 然而,凯蒂的悲剧揭示了一个事实,在20世纪初期,女性的社会地位极端的低下,而且她们不能得到公平的对待。在那个时代,女人只能享有极少的经济,政治以及教育的权利。她们不能与男性享有平等的权利,也得不到社会的尊重。 关键词 凯蒂;悲剧;行为准则;女性权利 ? Introduction The Sound and the Fury, Faulkner’s fourth novel, was his first masterpiece, and was considered his finest work. It was recognized as one of the most successfully innovative and experimental American novels of its time and one of the most challenging


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