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Views on language learning and learning in general Behaviorist theory Eg;you can train an animal to do anything if you follow a certain procedure which has three major stages,stimulus,response,and reinforcement Cognitive theory\ Constructive theory Socio-constructivist theory Eg:learning is the best achieved through the dynamics interactions between the teacher and the learners. What makes a good teacher? ethic devotion Professional qualities Personal styles How can one become a good language teacher? the development of professional competence (most difficult) A specific range od skills strategies,,knowledges and ability Have a sound command of English Learning practice and reflection.learning from others experience.leaning the received knowledge leaning from one’s own experience as a learner. Language use in real life VS traditional pedagogy in real life,language is used to perform certain communicative functions. Eg: to give directions,to exchange information or to make a complaint. In traditional language classroom,the teaching focus is often on forms rather than functions. For various reasons,traditional pedagogy tends to focus on two language skills and ignore the others. Eg:the grammar-translation methos emphasized on reading and writing skills and virtually ignored listening speaking skills. In reality language is always used in a certain context,but traditional pedagogy tends to isolated language from its context. Eg:when the English passive voice is introduced,the teacher always focuses on the explanation of how the objects in an active sentence is moved to the front of a passive sentence. And how the verb is changed to an auxiliary plus an -ed form of the base form of the verb. What is communicative competence ? linguistic competence Pragmatic competence Discourse competence Strategic competence Fluency Task based language teaching Task definition Is a piece of work undertaken for oneself or for others,freely or for some reward. Is an activ


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