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外国语学院学生毕业论文 题 目An Exotic Flower in The Ruins ——to analyze Dilsey in The Sound and the Fury 废墟中的一朵奇葩 —透析《喧哗与骚动》中的迪儿西 专 业 英 语 班 级 02332 学生姓名 王 婷 嫣 学 号 11 指导教师 方 文 开 2006年4 月29日 Contents Abstract 3 摘要 3 1. Introduction 4 2. Dilsey’s role in the novel 6 2.1. Creation of this role 6 2.2. Relations with the Compsons 7 3. Characters of Dilsey in the novel 8 3.1. View of family 8 3.2. Proper concept of time 10 3.3. View of religion 12 4. Conclusion 13 Bibliography 15 Acknowledgements 16 Abstract People generally think that The Sound and the Fury is a great novel full of tragedies, which shows Compson family’s craze, despair and fury before its dying out. But when we analyze the writing process of this novel, especially the last section that touches upon the key character--Dilsey, we can find out the writing purpose of Faulkner. “People will not only endure but prevait ” is what he really wants to demonstrate. In contrast to Compson family’s selfishness, coldness, cruelty and degeneration, Faulkner highly praises Dilsey, an old black woman servant, who is brave, enthusiastic, kind and loyal. And through describing Dilsey, Faulkner eulogizes the beauty of human nature in ordinary persons. Key words: Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury, Dilsey , Value system 摘 要 人们一般都认为《喧哗与骚动》是一部极具悲观色彩的作品,表现了康普生家族灭亡的疯狂、绝望、喧嚣。但是当我们仔细分析福克纳写作《喧哗与骚动》的过程,特别是其最后一章的中心人物迪尔西时,我们发现福克纳努力所要表现的是“人类不但会生存下去,而且将蓬勃发展。” 通过对破落庄园主康普生家庭成员中表现出来的自私、冷酷、仇视和堕落的描写,反衬出老黑人女仆迪尔西的利他主义、热情、仁爱和忠诚的高尚品德,热情讴歌了存在于普通人身上的人性美。 关键词: 福克纳;《喧哗与骚动》;迪尔西;价值体系 AN EXOTIC FLOWER IN THE RUINS 棗TO ANALYZE DILSEY IN THE SOUND AND THE FURY 1. Introduction On September 25, 1897, William Faulkner was born in New Albary, Mississippi and lived most of his life in nearby Oxford, Mississippi. His family came from the old whi


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