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教材: M.E.Peskin ,D.V.Schroeder ,An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory 参考书:L.H.Ryder,Quantum Field Theory A Brife Review and Introduction Ⅰ、Review 1、经典力学 其中:; 其中: 正则框架: 2、量子力学 3、相对论量子力学 过渡理论 ① K-G Eq: 描述spin-zero ② Dirac Eq: 描述 spin-1/2 ③ Maxwell Eq: 描述 spin-1 4、量子场论基础 Action: 其中: Euler-Lagrange Eq: Momentum Density Conjugate: Hamiltonian:;正则量子化: Real Scalar Field: ; 其中:; Hamiltonian: 场粒子性 5、量子电动力学 Def:the Gauge Derivative: Local Gauge Transformation: and 5、微扰量子场论 ;为弱耦合 Feynman Diagram:Feynman Rule for QED: S-Matrix: QED过程: (1) (2)Compton Scattering Spin Sums: Wald Identity: Ⅱ、Introductions 7、圈图 发散 重整化 8、非阿贝尔规范场理论 Weak Interactions and Strong Interactions Weak Interactions:Beta Decay: Four Fermion Theory 不可重整 Strong Interactions:介子理论:(Yukawa Theory) 弱电统一理论(Weinberg-Salam Model): 整理与2011-2-26 Chapter 6 Functional Methods Path Intergral Methods (1-dimensional) 时间演化算符: 满足: Classical Path: 猜想: 双缝实验: Path 1: ; ; Path 1: ; ; 联立两式, 可得德布罗意关系: 验证: 计算积分: 展开: 利用积分公式: ; ; ; ; 得: 取极限: 故而:可使之满足同样的方程和初始条件,因此: 整理于2011-3-1 推广到多自由度的情况: ; ; 插入中间态: 分析两种情况: ①: ②: Functional Quantization of Scalar Field Correlation Functions: Consider the functional formula: If then we have: With the completeness relation:: Thus we obtain the simple formula: 整理于2011-3-6 Functional Derivatives and Generating Functional The functional derivative obeys the basic axiom (In four dimensions): Example: (表面项相当于变分常数) Generationg Functional of correlation: Def: So that: Therefore the two-point function is: For free scalar field: Therefore: With the Gaussian intergration formulae: Where are matrixes. Therefore the two-point function should be: Where:def: We can check these: is nothing but the the Green Function of the Klein-Gordon operator. In another way,we can complete the square by introducing a shifted field: Using these we have: Free Field: For theory: Where we make: F


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