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PAGE PAGE 10 本科毕业论文(设计)模板 本科毕业论文 论文题目:陕西中微生物科技有限公司绩效管理探析 学生姓名: xxxxxx 学 号:xxxxxxx 专 业:xxxxx 班 级:xxxxx 指导教师: xxxxx 完成日期:2012 年 5月 16 日 陕西中微生物科技有限公司绩效管理探析 内容摘要 绩效管理,是一种提高组织员工的绩效和开发团队,个体的潜能,使组织不断获得成功的管理思想和具有战略意义的,整合的管理办法。绩效管理的结果可以直接影响到薪酬调整、奖金发放及职务升降等诸多员工的切身利益,其最终目的是改善员工的工作表现,在实现企业经营目标的同时,提高员工的满意程度和未来的成就感,最终达到企业和个人发展的双赢。在本次论文当中,通过研究陕西中微生物科技有限公司绩效管理中存在的绩效考核体系不健全,绩效考核指标设置不合理,绩效考核人员素质不合格,绩效管理结果没有有效利用等一系列问题,探究其具体有效的解决办法,从而为中小企业绩效管理的改进提出建议。 关键词:绩效管理 考核评估 Shaanxi microbial technology limited analysis of performance management Abstract Performance management, is a way to improve employee performance and development team, individual potential, getting management thinking and strategic significance, an integrated management approach. Performance management results can directly affect the salary, bonuses and payment of duties and other movements of the vital interests of the employees, the ultimate aim is to improve the performance of their staff, in achieving business objectives, improve employee satisfaction and future achievement, the ultimate development of enterprises and individuals to achieve a win-win situation. In this thesis, through the study of microorganisms in Shaanxi science and technology limited company exists in performance management performance evaluation system is not perfect, performance evaluation index is unreasonable, performance appraisal personnel quality is not qualified, performance management results is not effectively utilized a series of problems, to explore the specific effective solutions, so as to small and medium-sized enterprise performance management improvement suggestions. Keywords: Performance management Examination and evaluation 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc325051805 序言 ………………………………………………………………………1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc325051806 一.陕西中微生物科技有限公司绩效管理现状……………………………………1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc325051807 (一)陕西中微生物科技有限公司简介……………………………………… PAGEREF _Toc325051807 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc3


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