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Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communication Marketing The process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives Marketing Mix Product Pricing Place (Distribution) Promotion What is Promotion? communication process in marketing used to create a favorable predisposition toward:brand concept, services, idea, or person The Role of Promotion in Marketing Implementing the three other marketing mix factors Achieving market segmentation, product differentiation, and positioning Enhancing revenues and profits Promotion Mix A blend of communication tools and activities used by a firm Carries out the promotion process Communicates directly with target markets Elements of Promotion Mix Advertising Publicity/Public Relations Sales Promotion Personal Selling Direct Marketing Other tools Advertising Any paid form of non-personal communication about an organization, product, service or idea by an identified sponsor. PULL Advertising Pros: Cost-effective for large audiences Differentiates between similar products Brand equity Empathizes with target audience Control of the message Advertising Cons: Media and production costs Effectiveness difficult to judge Credibility and image problems Clutter Direct Marketing uses a combination of media designed to elicit a direct response personalized communication Direct Marketing Pros: Convenience for consumers Selectivity of audience Tailored/ customized communications Easier to measure effects Direct Marketing Cons: Direct mail and telemarketing – too much Clutter “Junk mail” image Sales Promotion Activities that provide extra value or incentive to the sales force, distributors or the ultimate consumer and can stimulate immediate sales. Consumer-oriented Trade-oriented PUSH Sales Promotion Pros: Extra incentive to consumer or retailer Appeals to price sensitive consumer Generates intere


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