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2005年7月12日,在伦敦佳士德举行的“中国陶瓷、工艺精品及外销工艺品”拍卖会上,元代“鬼谷子下山图”青花瓷罐以1400万英镑拍出,加佣金后为1568.8万英镑,折合人民币约2.3亿元,创下了中国艺术品在世界上的最高拍卖纪录。 The most expensive blue and white porcelain !! Color glaze porcelain . Jingdezhens colorful glaze is famous for all over the world. It contains a long tradition ,and is gradually concluded by our ancestors during the long-time producing and experimenting. Our ancestors has accumulated rich experience in the long-time producing and struggling, and has already created tri-colored glaze mingled(混合) with yellow, red and blue in Tang dynasty.. 景德镇的颜色釉是闻名于全世界的,它有悠久的优良传统,是我们 祖先在长期的生产斗争和科学实验中,不断总结经验,逐渐发明创造出来 的.我们的祖先在长期的生产实践斗争中,积累了丰富 的制瓷经验, 唐代 就创造了以黄,红,蓝为主的唐三彩 Red glaze porcelain Red glaze porcelain is beauty gorgeous(华丽的). Blue glaze porcelain is fresh and elegant(高雅的) and meaningful Blue glaze porcelain The kind of color glaze porcelain Yellow glaze porcelain is neatness (干净) and tasteful(雅观地) Yellow glaze porcelain Beijing Opera 秦腔 汉调 昆曲 京腔 京剧 The development of Pekjing Opera Beijing Opera Beijing Opera, also known as yellow skin from West and the yellow tone of it is composed of two basic musical materials, but also a small place and sing some tunes (such as willow sub-chamber, blowing chamber, etc.) and opera tunes. It was formed in Beijing, time in 1840, prevailed in the 20th century, thirty or forty years, when the National Opera. Now it is still a big drama of national impact.It is a comprehensive line of business, performing mature, imposing macro United States, is representative of modern Chinese drama. Peking Opera is Chinas national essence, more than 200 years. The role type of Peking Opera 生 生(male roles):(1) 老生(middle-aged or old men) (2) 小生(young men) (3) 武生(men with martial skills) 旦 旦(female roles): (1) 青衣(a woman with a strict moral code) (2) 花旦(Young girl)


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