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Unit1 history of NC 一、专业词汇 数控 NC (numerical control) 车间 Shop 柔性的 Flexible 控制单元 Control unit 手工编程 Manual programming 计算机辅助编程 CAP (computer aided programming) 手动数据输入 MDI (manual data input) 前进、发展 Advance 机床 Machine tool 读带机 Tape reader 穿孔带 Punched tape 计算机数控 CNC (computer numerical control) 三轴联动 Simultaneous three-axis movements 立式主轴 Vertical spindle 普遍的,?通用的 Universal (并用两种或多种语言的)混杂语 Pidgin 协调(v),坐标(n) Coordinate 直接数控 DNC (Direct numerical control) 分布式数控 DNC (Distributive numerical control) 主机 Host computer 二、重难点句 A numerical control machine is a machine positioned automatically along a preprogrammed path by means of coded instructions. Advances in microelectronics and microcomputers have allowed the computer to be used as the control unit on modern numerical control machinery. Computer aided programming languages allowed a part programmer to develop an NC program using a set of universal “pidgin English” commands, which the computer then translated into machine codes and punched into the tape. Direct numerical control involved using a computer as a partial or complete controller of one or more numerical control machines. Distributive numerical control employs a network of computers to coordinate the operation of a number of CNC machines. Ultimately, it may be possible to coordinate an entire factory in this manner. 三、专业知识点 数控系统的组成 四、练习 Unit 2 machines using NC 一、专业词汇 机床 Machine tool 人工成本 Cost of labor 切削材料/金属 Removing material/metal 刀具 Cutting tool 钻床 Drilling machine 车床 Lathe 铣床 Milling machine 车削中心 Turning center 加工中心 Machining center 主轴 Spindle 轴 Axis 工作台 Table 回转体工件 Round part 滑板架 Carriage 主轴箱 Headstock 成型加工 Contouring 齿轮加工 Gear cutting 镗孔 Boring 铰孔 Reaming 立柱 Column 升降台 Knee 金属切削 Metal cutting 精度 Accuracy 转塔头 Turret head 卧式加工中心 Horizontal spindle machining center 立式加工中心 Vertical spindle machining center 二、重难点句 Machining center greatly increased produc


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