
2012年度成都国际车展概况 介绍.ppt

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Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition 一、本届车展概况 Overview The 15th session of the Chengdu Motor Show held in Chengdu Century City New International Convention and Exhibition Center,September 1 to 9 2012,Exhibition area more than 130,000 m2 6500 of the more than 2,000 media reporters went to the exhibition, the report is expected to attract viewers to more than 600,000. 时间: 2012年8月31日-9月9日 地点:成都世纪城新国际会展中心 次数: 15 项目:车展 占地面积:13万平方米 票价:专业日60元 公众日50元 二、本届车展特点 Feature 豪车云集 Luxury car gathered 宝马 BMW 奔驰 Mercedes-Benz 奥迪 AUDI 东风悦达起亚K3车展首发 KIA 一汽大众全新捷达 JETTA 上海大众POLO GTI 中华H320 东风日产启辰R50 NISSAN 路虎揽胜运动版 Landrover 凯美瑞CARMY 丰田亲概念车 TOYOTA 阿斯顿·马丁 Aston Martin Rapide 法拉利 Ferrari 玛莎拉蒂 Kubang SUV 雷克萨斯 LEXUS 沃尔沃 Volvo This event, both international giant autonomous enterprise to make every effort, to a large area of ??the booth and high-quality structures shocking debut. It is worth mentioning that this auto show 30 corporate booth area of over 1000 square meters, an increase of 36% over last year. Chengdu auto show organizers correct interpretation of the market, and efforts continue to seek to develop, is to head to Class A international auto show goal. 外资巨头高调亮相,自主品牌强势崛起 规模再破纪录,打造国际A级车展 德系高档品牌三巨头奔驰、宝马、奥迪将继续以超大规模展台高调亮相 各路新车云集首发 “公路女王”莫文蔚倾情助阵,化身“公路女王”携凯迪拉克SRX 66号公路开拓版闪耀登场 Karen Mok Portrait of help out 车模car models 三、本届车展作用 Effect Chengdu Motor Show is one of the most well-known auto show of the western region. Organizers: create influence, increase awareness, and to achieve a leading role. Manufacturer: show business cars concept car brand. To promote the brand, attract consumer attention. Dealer: in the guidance of public opinion, on a new car launch to consumers to increase the impact, so as to achieve the purpose of good sales. 举办单位:创造影响力,提高知名度,实现主导作用。 制造商:展现企业造车理念,及丰富的汽车品牌。推广品牌,吸引消费者关注。 经销商:在舆论的引导上,在新车投放上对消费者加大影响,从而达到好的销售的目的。 Thank you


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