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外资企业跨文化管理研究 【摘要】 随着经济全球化的不断发展和深入,世界贸易进入了崭新的阶段。大型企业的竞争不再停留于一个地区,一个国家,而是进入了进行跨国经营和跨国竞争的新境遇。由于不同区域在政治、经济、文化及信仰等方面的不同的状况,使跨国公司在考虑如何在新的地区发展事业的时候面对严峻的考验。其中,跨文化经营是所有公司都不得不面对的一个环节。因为,公司文化是一个公司的灵魂,它涉及了公司的价值观,信念及经营理念,涉及了规章制度和行为准则的总和。了解将要发展业务区域的文化并采取相对的跨文化经营措施,对于跨国公司的生存和发展都是至关重要的。 自我国2001年加入世贸组织以来,我国的对外贸易总额也在不断的上升中。但是,在这种可喜的现象中我们也不得不承认,我们的质量和数量并不是齐头并进的。我们依然背着“中国制造”而不是“中国创造”的标签。中国的跨国公司能在海外打响品牌,并且占有一定市场份额的企业还是少之又少。由此可见,中国对于跨国公司如何经营这一论题的探索和实践还有很长的路要走。本文旨在尽量避免大量理论阐述的过于专业性和复杂性的基础上,通过对跨文化理论的提出和发展做一定的引述,使读者对于跨文化概念和经营模式有一定的基础性了解。再通过以成都本土的跨国企业为例,深入阐述跨文化管理在我国西部地区的发展状况。以求从中寻得在经济全球化的潮流中,如何与外来企业,尤其是在发展相对落后的中西部地区,取得一种平衡。如何从跨国公司的经营中,学习到值得我国企业借鉴的有益经验,从而更加有利于探索出适合中国特色社会主义市场经济发展的模式。 【关键词】 公司文化 跨文化管理 成都外资企业 跨文化管理措施 跨文化管理模式 Abstract With the development of economic globalization, world commerce has set into a new milestone. The competition among major industries does not only focus on a single location or even a country any longer. The new situation that they have to deal with is a competition about multinational operation and cross-border competition. Due to the fact that the differences of policy, economy, culture and belief exist everywhere, Multinational Corporations have to deal with a serious condition to develop own enterprise. The cross-cultural management is an unavoidable part for all companies because the culture is the soul of a company, which involves the companys values, beliefs and business philosophy as well as basic rules and regulations. For the sake of survival and development it is terrible important for a multinational company to learn the culture of the business area and take proper cross-cultural management measures. Since China joined the WTO in 2001, the total amount of external trade has risen constantly. However, we have to admit that the quality and quantity does not keep pace with each other. We still bear the made in China instead of China create label. It is hard for us to see Chinese multinationals get high feedback in brand and take some market share. Which means


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