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Five Famous Symbols of American Culture I. Structure Analysis The origin of inspiration Duplicates in the world Most frequntly appear in the disaster movies Brief Introduction young and brilliant slim and sexy having a handsome boyfriend named Ken with countless clothes capturing girls’ hearts Playing many roles in life, such as teacher, model,superstar and so on Countless social roles Hollywood actress in 60s 这是60年代芭比娃娃以好莱坞女明星的形象出现在人们视野之中 芭比娃娃在70年代开始走嘻哈风 office lady in 80s president candidate in 90s 90年代,她走上讲台,为妇女、教育和动物权利而竞选总统 芭比的处女作《芭比与胡桃夹子的梦幻之旅》 (Barbie in the Nutcracker) ?? 《芭比之长发公主》 (Barbie as Rapunzel) Serious-looking face: the solemn pride of American farmers: hard –working and diligent. The pitchfork: masculinity(男子气概); to echo the repeated lines of the Gothic Window. Gothic Architecture哥特式建筑 History: flourished during the high and late medieval period(AD1100-1500), originating in 12th century France and lasting into the 16th century. It evolved from Romanesque architecture(罗马式建筑) and was succeeded by Renaissance architecture(文艺复兴时期建筑). Characteristic features: including the pointed arch(尖拱门), the ribbed vault(棱纹拱顶) and the flying buttress(飞壁). Applications: Gothic architecture is most familiar as the architecture of many of the great cathedrals(大教堂), abbeys(修道院) and parish churches(教区教堂) of Europe. It is also the architecture of many castles(城堡), palaces(宫殿), town halls(市政厅), guild halls(行会会堂), universities and to a less prominent extent, private dwellings(私人住宅). Famous Gothic Buildings in the World Brother Jonathan--- Jonathan Trumbull Because of his role during the American Revolution, Jonathan Trumbull, Connecticut‘s(康涅狄格) last colonial governor and its first state governor, is one of Connecticuts best-known governors, and many historians regard him as one of its greatest leaders According to legend, Trumbull became known as Brother Jonathan because at meetings George Washington was reported


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