[文学]Unit1 fresh start.ppt

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[文学]Unit1 fresh start

An Integrated English Course Unit One Text 1 1. Lets start from very beginning again. 2. Let’s do it all over again. 3. Lets start from zero again. 4. Lets get back to the starting point. 5. Lets make a fresh start ! 6. Lets go back to square one. 7. Lets go back to the drawing board. 8. Lets roll it back to the beginning. Higher Education in the U.S 2.1.1 Understanding the major details of the text 2.1.2 Understanding the organization of the text gradish adj. -ish 1) somewhat, near to,tending to: reddish greenish purplish fortyish 2) in the manner of: foolish childish boyish womanish snobbish 3) of a country, of or relating to a country or its people Irish Polish Finnish Spanish distinct Gold is distinct from iron. 金在性质上不同于铁。 This term , there has been a distinct improvement in Angel’s study. discreet He is discreet in choosing his friends. 他交友谨慎 The mother clutched her baby in her arms. 母亲紧紧地把婴儿抱在怀里。 The frightened child clung to her mother. 受惊的小孩紧紧抓住她的母亲. reserve I reserve the right to disagree. 我保留持不同意见的权利 retain, to keep for oneself a forest reserve/ wildlife reserve 自然森林保护区 a reservation of public land 保留地 Later Darcy drops his reserve and confesses that he loves her. n. self-restraint in expression; the habit of not showing one’s feelings or thoughts.矜持,拘谨 whereabouts Whereabouts in Haikou do you live? 你住海口什么地方呢? whereabouts unknown 去向/ 行踪不明 Whereabouts are you headed? 你要去哪儿? manual of or relating to the hands manual labor / a manual worker / manual training 体力劳动 / 体力劳动者 / 手工课 a small reference book, especially one giving instructions. a manual for students (n.) 学生手册 descriptive manual 说明书 scribble She can’t write yet, but she loves to scribble with a pencil. 她现在还不会写字, 但她喜欢用铅笔乱涂。 Time is so limited, I just scribble his phone number in my address book. 没时间了,我只是快速把他的电话号码记在地址簿上。 grope I groped for the light switch in the dark room. With strong sense


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