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Chapter 8 Pragmatics (1) Teaching Program What is Pragmatics? The main branches of Pragmatics The nature of Pragmatics Meaning and Context Deixis (Deictic) 1999年4月朱镕基在MIT演讲时说:1947年我在清华大学上学时,清华被称为中国的MIT。教科书大部分来自MIT……我当时就憧憬有一天能来MIT学习,拿一个学位, 但是,校长先生请不要误会,我绝对不是要个荣誉的学位。……如果我要学位,一定要经过考试,答辩。 A: 你不戴眼镜的时候很漂亮。 B: 那我戴眼镜的时候很丑了。 What is pragmatics? Pragmatics is the study of how language is used to communicate within its situational context. 意会大于言传。语用学要解释为什么“意会大于言传”。找出其中的规律。找出语言运用的规律。 1.It deals with how speakers used language in ways which cannot be predicted from linguistic knowledge alone. 2. It deals with how listeners arrive at the intended meaning of speakers. 3. It deals with the general principles followed by human beings when they communicate with one another. Discussion Questions: 1. Girl: Today is my birthday. Boy:…… 2. A: I could eat an ox. B: …… 3. A: Do you know what that word mean ? B: Don’t you have a dictionary? 4. A: Can I help you? B: …… 1.传统语言学感到棘手的一系列现象,如暗示,含蓄,修辞格等都可以通过语用理论得到解释。 Pragmatics concerns all the ‘aspects of meaning that cannot be predicted by linguistic knowledge alone and takes into account knowledge about the physical and social world.’ 1)A: I could eat an ox. B: Dinner will be ready in a minute. 2)A: This is my only wife. B: …… 天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期(白居易《长恨歌》) 2.语用学是对语义学的补充和发展。如:逻辑连接词,话语小品词等不好解决。 Semantics and Pragmatics are complementary to each other. 1)A: How long have you known him? B: Well, I should say about 5 years. 2) A: How do you like this dress? B: Well, the color is nice. 3.语用研究成果帮助了功能主义者,反过来又促进了自身的发展。 1)Peter bought a car. 2) It was Peter who bought a car. 3) It was a car that Peter bought. 4) What Peter bought was a car. II. The main branches of Pragmatics: Cross-cultural pragmatics 跨文化语用 学 Societal pragmatics 社会语用学 Cognitive pragmatics 认知语用学 1. Cross-cultural pragmatics


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