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科学技术与现代社会 2009年9月至2010年1月 周三上午9:55—11:35 光华楼西辅楼104教室 主讲:魏洪钟: hzwei@fudan.edu.cn 助教:陈 升:072016040@fudan.edu.cn 管文婷:072016038@fudan.edu.cn 用专业知识教育人是不够的,通过专业教育,他可以成为一种有用的机器,但是不能成为一个和谐发展的人。要使学生对价值有所理解并且产生热烈的感情,那是最基本的。他必须对美和道德上的善有鲜明的辨别力。否则,他——连同他的专业知识——就更像一只受过很好训练的狗,而不像一个和谐发展的人。 ——爱因斯坦 (《爱因斯坦文集》第3卷,商务印书馆,1979年,第310页 ) 第一讲 绪论 一、课程简介 1、由来:周林东教授开启 2、目的:思考 3、变化: STS: Science, Technology and Society Philosophical Thinking on Science , Technology 第一讲 绪论 二、为什么要学习科学技术与社会(STS)? 1、科学技术的重要性 2、科学技术的二重性 科学技术的重要性 1.科学技术加强了我们对世界的认识 科学技术是我们认识的结果; 科学技术是我们认识的工具。 CERN (欧洲核子研究中心) (4) 108 metres = 100 000 000 metres CERN (5) 109 metres = 1 000 000 000 metres The moons orbit around the Earth, the furthest humans have ever travelled. CERN (6) 1012 metres = 1 000 000 000 000 metres The orbits of the inner four planets : Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. All four have rocky crusts and metallic cores. CERN (7) 1014 metres = 100 000 000 000 000 metres Our solar system fades into the background stars. From 1014 m to 1019 m not much changes. CERN (8) 1021 metres = 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 metres Our galaxy looks rather like a whirlpool. It has spiral arms curling outwards from the centre and rotates at about 900 kilometres per hour. How many stars like our sun do you think there are in this image? 102 ? 107 ? 1011 ? CERN (9) 1023 metres = 100 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 metres Our galaxy is indistinguishable from the other galaxies in our Local Group. It would take light over 107 (10 million) years to travel across this image. From 1023 m to 1025 m not much changes. CERN (10) 1026 metres = 100 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 metres The largest scale picture ever taken. Each of the 9325 points is a galaxy like ours. They clump together in superclusters around great voids which can be 150 million light years across. Cern’s Garden 10 0 metres = 1 metre Your journey begins in the garden of the Microcosm visitor cent


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