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硕士论文 作业成本法在建筑施工企业中的应用研究
中国近代第一所大学 FOUNDED IN 1895
天津大学硏究生院 2006年6 月Abstract
In China, cost management of Construction Company is mostly based on the traditional cost management of on-site production management. Traditional cost management focuses on products, which,does not set up cost responsibility, and \Vill eventually affect the establishment of the responsibility system throughout production. On the other hand,traditional cost management cannot well assess the operation performance, nor guarantee the supervision and economization of resource consumption. This will ultimately fail the establishment of motivation and restriction based administration mechanism. The best solution to these problems is to innovate and improve the current mode of cost management by setting up a new system of activity cost management through a careful study of the pattern of cost management in the Western countries.
Based on standard research and case study research methods’ and a comparison of the theory on traditional cost management and the theory on activity-cost management, this thesis introduces a tentative study on the pattern of activity-cost management. The author, after an introduction of the theories on activity-cost and activity-cost management, conducts a thorough study on the application of activity-cost management in Tianjin construction main contracting co.ltd, and therefore design the blue print of activity-based costing for Tianjin construction main contracting co.ltd.
Key words: Activity-based costings Activity cost management; Activity-based costing calculating; Construction company ; Application research独创性声明
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