[理学]chapter 4 Respiratory Physiology.ppt

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[理学]chapter 4 Respiratory Physiology

Content Introduction 概述 Principles of pulmonary ventilation肺通气原理 Gas exchange and transport 气体交换与运输 The regulation of respiration 呼吸运动的调节 Energy production from nutrients by oxidative phosphorylation requires O2 and removal of tissue waste-CO2 - Respiratory system 动物在进行新陈代谢的过程中,需要不断地从外界摄取氧气,氧化营养物质获取能量。同时又必须把在代谢过程中产生的二氧化碳排出体外。 1. Organization of the respiratory system Functional classifications Conducting portion传导部分: transports air (warms, humidifies, filters and cleans inspired air) Nose鼻 Nasal cavity鼻腔 Pharynx咽:Common pathway for both air and food Larynx喉: Prevents swallowed materials from entering the lower respiratory tract. Conducts air into the lower respiratory tract Produces sounds Trachea气管: Walls are reinforced by 15 to 20 C-shaped tracheal cartilages气管软骨. progressively smaller airways, from the primary bronchi主支气管 to the bronchioles 细支气管 Respiratory portion呼吸部分: carries out gas exchange. Respiratory bronchioles呼吸性细支气管 Alveolar ducts肺泡管 Air sacs called alveoli肺泡 Organization of the Respiratory System Structural classifications Upper respiratory tract上呼吸道:is all conducting portion Lower respiratory tract下呼吸道:has both conducting and respiratory portions A pair of elastic tissue composed of the respiratory bronchioles呼吸性细支气管, alveolar ducts肺泡管, alveolar sacs肺泡囊 and alveoli肺泡 Occupy most of the thoracic cavity胸腔 Lungs Ventilation通气 occurs as a result of pressure differences induced by changes in lung volume. Properties of the lung 肺的生理特性 : Compliance顺应性:Distensibility (stretchability)扩张性(拉伸): 100 x more distensible than a balloon. Elasticity 弹性: Tendency to return to initial size after distension (resist distension). High content of elastin proteins. Elastic tension increases during inspiration吸气 and is reduced during expiration呼气. Surface tension表面张力 Organization of the respiratory system --- Bronchial Tree支气管树 Originate from the left and right primary bronchi. Primary bronchi主支气管 Secondary bronchi (or lobar bronchi)二级支气管(或肺叶支气管) Tertiary b


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