[理学]chapter4-5 nucleic acid_gene_nucleosome_chrosome_ genome and genomics.ppt

[理学]chapter4-5 nucleic acid_gene_nucleosome_chrosome_ genome and genomics.ppt

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[理学]chapter4-5 nucleic acid_gene_nucleosome_chrosome_ genome and genomics

分子生物学系列讲座之3 / 主 要 内 容 生物体中的遗传物质能够忠实地复制自我 生物体中的遗传物质具备储存遗传信息的能力 生物中的遗传信息能被细胞内存在的大分子实体解析 生物体中的遗传物质必须体现可变性 2基因在核酸分子上的定位 RNase and 蛋白酶 DNase RNase and 蛋白酶 DNase 基因是染色体上的一个片段 一个基因一个酶 基因是遗传的基本单位 基因是遗传突变的基本单位 基因是功能单位 基因位于染色体上 1951:跳跃基因 Movable genes, transposable elements, Jumping genes Transposition转座 Translocation易位 1955: 顺反子(cistroms) 1960 :The Discovery of the lac Operon 1977:真核生物的断裂基因 1993年度诺贝尔奖金颁奖大会上,诺贝尔生理学奖授予给了Richard J.Roberts and Phillip A.Sharp,因为他们的重大成就-----断裂基因的发现。 1976-1977:重叠基因1977年F.桑格意外地发现基因D中包含着基因E。 真核生物的基因 活性域,actively transcribed domain 不活性域,inactive domain DNaseI敏感域, DNaseI不敏感域 第五章 DNA在生物细胞内的存储 In eukaryotic cells a given region of DNA with its associated proteins is called chromatin(染色质) The majority of the associated proteins are small, basic proteins called histones. (组蛋白) Other proteins associated with the chromosome are referred to as non-histone proteins, including numerous DNA binding proteins that regulate the transcription, replication, repair and recombination of DNA. Nucleosomes: regular association of DNA with histones to form a structure effectively compacting DNA 真核DNA的包装 FIGURE 29 9 Micrococcal nuclease reduces the length of nucleosome monomers in discrete steps. Photo courtesy of Roger Kornberg, Stanford University School of Medicine. FIGURE 29 10 Micrococcal nuclease initially cleaves between nucleosomes. Mononucleosomes typically have -200 bp DNA. Endtrimming reduces the length of DNA first to -165 bp, and then generates core particles with 146 bp. 核小体空间填充模型的晶体结构,H32-H42 二聚体用白色表示,H2A-H2B 二聚体用蓝色表示。DNA 潜在的缠绕路径在上图用细管表示(显示一又四分之一周长),下图用宽20. 的一束线来表示。 FIGURE 29.18 The crystal structure of the histone core octamer is represented in a space-filling model with the H3rH42 tetramer shown in white and the H2A-H2B dimers shown in blue. Only one ofthe H2A-H2B dimers is visible in the top view, because the other is hidden underneath. The potential path of the DNA is shown in the top view as a narrow tube (one quarter the diameter o


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