[理学]PCA 毕设论文.doc

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[理学]PCA 毕设论文

摘 要 由于广泛的应用,比如用于监视和安全,身份鉴别,存取控制等,最近几年,人脸识别引起了广泛的兴趣。最近的几十年,关于人脸识别人们已经提出了许许多多的方法。在这些方法中,PCA和LDA技术,已经被证明为是两种大有前途的方法。 我们要做的就是提高人脸识别的正确识别率,为了达到这个目的,我们从以下几个方面下手:特征提取,分类器选择。 特征提取是模式识别中最基本的问题之一,在人脸识别中,抽取有效的鉴别特征是解决问题的关键,主成分分析( Principal Component Analysis, PCA)和Fisher线性鉴别分析是属于线性投影分析,是特征提取中最为经典和广泛使用的方法。该文就有关线性投影分析的理论与算法进行了研究。最后,在ORL标准人脸数据库上进行了试验表明,PCA方法在普通的最近邻分类器下最高达到了95%的正确率,LDA也达到了92.5%的正确率,而且识别结果十分稳定。 关键词:主元分析; Fisher鉴别准则; 线性鉴别分析; 特征抽取;人脸识别 ABSTRACT Face recognition has been of great interest in recent years because its wide range of application such as surveillance and security , identity authentication and access control , etc. Numerous methods have been proposed for face recognition in the last decade. Among all these approaches , techniques based on PCA and LDA , have been proved to be two promising approach. In order to enhance the accuracy of the recognition, the main goal of our research, we deal with the problems as follow: feature extraction, classifier selection. Feature extraction is one of the most fundamental problems. In face recognition, to extract the valid discriminating feature plays the key role to solve the problems. PCA and fisher are both the most typical methods that are based on linear projection analysis and widely used. This text does a further research on theories and algorithms of linear projection analysis. Finally, the PCA algorithm was test on ORL face database, and a recognition rate of 97% was achieved by using a common nearest neighbor classifier, while LDA is 97.2%,and the classification result is very robust. Keywords:PCA(principal component analysis); Fisher criterion; linear discriminate analysis; feature extraction; face recognition 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 课题研究的背景 1 1.2 模式识别系统 1 1.3 国内外生物特征技术的必威体育精装版发展 3 1.4 我国生物特征技术的发展与应用概述 4 1.5 本文主要研究的内容 4 第二章 人脸图像的有效鉴别特征抽取 5 2.1 引言 5 2.2 人脸图像的代数特征 5 2.2.1 奇异值特征 5 2.2.2 最佳鉴别投影特征 6 2.2.3 特征脸(K-L变换特征) 8 2.3 本章小结 10 第三章 主成分分析法(PCA) 11 3.1 引言 11 3.2 主元分析发展的相关介绍 11 3.3 主元分析(PCA)方法 12 3.3.1 P


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