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第45 卷 第3 期 煤田地质与勘探 Vol. 45 No.3 2017 年6 月 COAL GEOLOGY EXPLORATION Jun. 2017 文章编号: 1001-1986(2017)03-0054-05 淮北煤田祁东煤矿煤和瓦斯中稳定碳同位素分布 特征及其地质成因 徐 超,陈冰宇,吴 盾,丁典识,夏源源,刘桂建 ( 中国科学技术大学地球和空间科学学院,安徽 合肥 230026) : 6 24 12 δ13C –25.11‰~–22.76‰ 6-1 9 13 δ C1 –63.65‰~–52.51‰ (–22.61‰~–17.96‰) : :P618.11 :A DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-1986.2017.03.010 Distribution characteristics of isotope carbon and its geological origin in coal gas carbon of Qidong coal mine, Huaibei coalfield XU Chao, CHEN Bingyu, WU Dun, DING Dianshi, XIA Yuanyuan, LIU Guijian (School of Earth and Space Sciences, Key Laboratory of Crust-Mantle Materials and Environments, University of Science and Technology of China, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230026,China) Abstract: Based on stable organic carbon isotopic analysis for 24 coal sample and 12 gas samples from six coal seams in Qidong coal mine, Huaibei coalfield, the paper has studied distribution characteristics and variation trend of the coal and gas carbon isotope, providing the theoretical basis for the analysis of different coal seams and gas sources. The study shows: Variation range of δ13 13 C is –22.76‰~–25.11‰. δ C value in coal seams 6-1 to 9 presents undulated 13 variation, probably influenced by the coal depositional environment; Variation range of methane δ C1 is –52.51‰~ –63.65‰, The variation range of δ13C is characterized by containing secondary biogenic gas


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