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新中国60年经济发展评价(二) 特别是转向以经济建设为中心后,国家面貌发生了翻天覆地的变化,经济发展成就举世公认。 国富民强——曾经是百年来中国无数仁人志士为之追求、奉献乃至牺牲的理想。今天,这一理想正在变为现实。回想新中国成立前,在世界经济“俱乐部”中,几乎听不见中国的声音。整个国民经济处于崩溃状态,生产倒退、交通破坏、物价飞涨,人民生活极端贫困。 Particularly when China refocused its efforts on economic development, China’s landscape has been dramatically transformed and achieved enviable/remarkable/universally recognized economic results/feats. Over the past 100 years, countless/numerous personage of vision once envisaged a strong and prosperous nation, they dedicated themselves to such a vision and pursued this vision and even laid down their life for that matter. Today their dream is coming true/being made a reality/materialized/translated into reality. As we can recall, before the founding of new China in 1949, the voice of China was rarely/hardly heard in the club of the world economy as back then the entire economy was on the brink/verge of collapse amid production degradation/degression, transportation disruption, skyrocketing prices. People were living in abject poverty/in destitution/dire poverty. 扣除价格因素后,我们现在5天创造的财富量,就相当于1952年时全年创造的财富量。一组数字标志着中国已从低收入国家迈入中等收入国家行列:60年来国内生产总值实际增长77倍,人均超过3000美元;财政收入增长约1000倍;外汇储备增长1万多倍,位居世界第一;进出口贸易总额位居世界第三,占世界贸易比重达7.9%。经过60年的努力,中国完成了从农业社会向工业化中期阶段的伟大跨越。 After price rises/factors/variables are allowed/accounted for/excluded, the wealth generated in five days now equals/amounts to that generated throughout the whole year in 1952. A group of figures suggest that China has moved out of the group of low-income countries into the group of middle/medium-income countries. Over the past 6 decades, China’s economic output/GDP has grown 77-fold in real terms, per capita GDP has topped over 3,000 US Dollars, fiscal revenue has increased by roughly 1,000-fold, foreign exchange reserve has also risen by over 10,000-fold, making China the world’s leader in terms of foreign exchange/has the largest stockpile of foreign exchange/is the largest foreign exchange holder. China is the third largest foreign trader, ac


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