荣总英检课程 8 (星期二).doc

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荣总英检课程 8 (星期二)

榮總英檢課程 8 (星期二) ’t see you tomorrow. I have a dental ____.【86二技】 (A)appointment (B)date (C)arrange (D)chance 10. Where did the assailant come from?【78淡江】 (A)savior (B)attacker (C)sailor (D)assistant 11.Have you seen today’s newspaper? There is an ____ about mainland China. 【80二技】 (A)accent (B)associate (C)article (D)artistry 克漏字 Finding out 1. your family history is a very personal experience. It 2. time and effort but it is very interesting. Dr. Mary Matossian teaches a college 3. in family history. She says, Every family has 4. ways of dealing with life. All this had a powerful 5. because it make us the kind of people we are. 1. (A) of (B) on (C) up (D) about 2. (A) spends (B) costs (C) takes (D) makes 3. (A) book (B) course (C) student (D) life 4. (A) different (B) same (C) total (D) mental 5. (A) cause (B) effect (C) affect (D) resource ANSWER : (D) (C) (B) (A) (B) 【】…… + V (單數) 2. 事 + cost 金錢 take 時間 3. teach a course 教一堂課 4. different ways of + Ving…. 5. Deal with / cope with / handle 處理 應付 6. Effect (n) (v) affect Skateboarding is very 1. in countries 2. England, Germany, Switzerland, and Japan. American teenagers 3. that skateboarding will be a new 4. in the Olympic games. If so, the Americans are sure to have competition: a Soviet 5. bought 3,000 skateboards in California and the shipment is now at the customs office in Moscow. 1. (A) pleasant (B) perfect (C) popular (D) possible 2. (A) such like (B) such as (C) for example (D) those are 3. (A) alter (B) tell (C) think (D) solve 4. (A) sport (B) skill (C) art (D) hobby 5. (A) exporter (B) counter (C) receiver (D) importer ANSWER : (C) (B) (C) (A) (D) 【文章說明】 skateboarding 例如 such as / like + N… for example / for instance + 句子 the Olympic gamesIf so, 若真是如此 are sure to 必然 at the customs office 在海關 克漏字 Tall leafy trees planted around a house can apparently mean big savings in residential air-conditioning bills. Because of this, researchers a


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