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In today’s competitive marketplace, making sure that a company’s ------ ( brand image品牌形象) remains recognized, respected, and unique among its ------- (competitors同行) is crucial if sales are to be maintained. 在当今竞争激烈的市场中,确保一个公司的品牌形象一直得到认可和重视,并且在众多竞争对手中独树一帜,这对保持销量是至关重要的。 Business environment” includes many things, such as commercial laws of a city, state or country, the steps necessary to ------ (secure loans担保贷款) and funding for business purpose; how well individuals considering involvement in -----(entrepreneurship创业精神)tolerate risk; and the strength of the existing business network. 商业环境的条件可以包含很多:如某一城市、州或国家的商业法律;获得用于商业用途的贷款或资金的必要步骤;考虑参与创业的人的风险承受能力;以及现有的业务网络的强弱程度。 Finding the right space for a ------ (small business小型企业) 为小企业寻找合适的空间 Government plays a crucial role in defining the ------ (ethical standards伦理标准) within which companies must operate. 在界定公司运营必须遵循的道德标准中,政府起着至关重要的作用。 Many types of ------ (securities fraud证券诈欺) exist, including wash trading, generating bear runs, ramping, and manipulative options backdating. 证券欺诈有很多种,包括自买自卖、造熊市、炒高价格和操纵期权倒签。 When it comes to large corporate accounts and budgets , there is always potential for ------ (financial crime金融犯罪). 当涉及到大型企业的账目和预算时,总是有发生金融犯罪的可能。 Top managers have been selected for their ---(track records业绩 、工作记录) in developing new marketing strategies and rebranding. 高层人员之所以能入选,是因为他们在开发新的营销策略和重建品牌方面业绩 斐然。 A (company profile公司概况、简介) is not just an opportunity to introduce a companys business; its also a way to show off a companys personality. 公司简介不仅是一个介绍公司业务的契机,也是一种展示公司个性的方式。 Direct marketing is a company strategy in which consumers is reached via direct communication通过直接沟通 such as catalogue, brochures and flyers distribution, telemarketing, text message marketing, and email campaigns In response to customer complaints that new product development is slow, the company is adopting the “lean” methodology“精益”管理方法pioneered by Japanese auto manufacturers. 作为对客户投诉新产品开发缓慢的回应,该公司采用由日本汽车制造商倡导的“精益”管理方法。 In accordance wit


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