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摘 要 当今的社会里,石油是不可的能源之一,随着国民经济的迅速发展,对地下开采石油量的需求不断增长,现代钻井技术有了新的发展,一个好系统就必不可少,方便、快捷、准确地测量不仅能够保证钻井工作安全顺利的进行,而且也能节约时间、资金,带来巨大的经济效益。在进行石油钻探过程中,由于井下状况复杂且不易预测,需及时掌握钻井的状态,以保证钻探的质量和钻井的安全。在石油钻探现场广泛采用的就是用来检测钻井状态的重要智能设备。从安全性和性价比两个方面综合来考虑,可采用单片机来测,利用单片机作为主控元件,能使仪器仪表数字化、智能化,提高他们的测量速度、测量精度、简化仪器仪表硬件结构,便于使用、维修和改进,另外,单片机体积小、价格低廉,结构灵活、便于集成,所以单片机不仅占领了原来使用小型机的各个领域,而且广泛应用于过程控制等场合,此外,还可以用于过去计算机无法深入的方面,如测量仪器、教学装置、医疗设备、家用电器等。本设计就采用双CPU测,其可靠性有了很大的提高,两个CPU有明确的分工,一个CPU负责测量,一个CPU负责事务处理,仪器中再加上监控电路,就能避免单CPU同时响应多个请求时,漏掉检测信号的可能性。ABSTRACT Todays society, Oil is one of the indispensable energy , one of the rapid economic development of underground mining, the amount of oil rising demand, modern drilling technology is a new development, a good measuring system of underground parameters is indispensable, convenient, quick and accurate measurement can not only ensure drilling job safety smoothly, but also can save time and money, bring huge economic benefits. In oil drilling process, because underground situation and not easy to predict complex, need to keep abreast of the state, to ensure that the drilling of quality and drilling of drilling safety. Widely used in petroleum drilling site is used to detect the important intelligence drilling state equipment. From the two aspects of security and cost-effective integrated consideration, can use a singleship measurement, microcontroller as the master components, can make the instrumentation digital, intelligent, improve their measurement speed and accuracy, simplified instrumentation hardware structure, easy to use, maintenance and improvement, in addition, SCM small, cheap, flexible, facilitate integration, so not only occupied originally using microcontroller, and every field of minicomputer widely used in process control and so on, in addition, also can be used for the past the computer cant in-depth aspects, such as measuring instrument, teaching equipment, medical equipment, household electric appliances, etc. This design USES double CPU, the reliabil



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