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, Journal of A nhu iA gri. S c.i 2010, 38( 22) : 11851- 11853 常俊香 卢瑶 * 付明哲, 刘 璐, 宋晓平 , 阴明亮, 魏拣选 (, 7 12100 ) [ 目的] 为猪链球菌病的防治提供参考[ 方法]应用 动细菌鉴定及药敏测试仪从陕西省不同猪场患猪体内分离到猪链球菌, 对分离株的病原形态学和培养特征进行观察, 并采用细菌编码技术对其生化特性进行主动监测, 同时研究其对20余种常用药物的敏感 性[结果] 从病料中共分离到 12株猪链球菌, 分属于马链球菌马亚种马链球菌兽疫亚种类猪链球菌类肠链球菌肺炎链球菌12 株菌株对头孢拉定头孢噻吩强力毒素沙拉沙星高度敏感, 敏感率为 75% ~ 100% , 对氨苄青霉素环丙沙星青霉素复方新诺明诺 氟沙星的敏感度较低, 耐药率为 66. 67% ~ 91. 67% [结论]采用 动细菌鉴定及药敏测试仪鉴定猪链球菌具有快速敏感特异标准 微量等优点 动细菌鉴定及药敏测试仪; 链球菌; 分离鉴定 S 858. 28 A 0517- 6611( 2010) 22- 11851- 03 Rapid Isolation and Identification ofS tr ep to coccus suis byAutomaticBacterial Identification and Susceptibility Testing Instrument FUM ing-zhe et a l ( Anmi al H osp i al of N or hw es A F U n iversiy, Y ang ling, Sh aanx i 712100) Abstract [ Ob jec ive] Th e su dy w as o provide h e reference for h e con rol ofS trep tococcus su is. [M e h od] S trep tococcus su is w ere iso la ed from infec ed p igs in differen p iggery in Shannx i prov ince by au om a ic bac eria l iden if ica ion and suscep ib ili y es ing in s rum en . Th e pa ho- gen sm orpho logical and culura l charac eris ics of iso la ed s rains w ere observed, and h eir b iochem ical ch arac eris ics w ere ac ively m on i ored by bac erium coding echn iqu es, and h eir sen si iv iy on m ore han 20 kind s o f comm on ly u sed dru g w ere s udied. [ Resul s] 12 s rain s o fS trep- tococ cus su is w ere iso la ed from sam ples, and h ey b elonged o S trep tococcusM aya species, S trep tococcus equ i su bsp ec ies, S. p orc inus, S trep tococcus m esen terioid es, S trep tococcus p neum on iae resp. The sensi iv iy o f 12 s ra in s on cefradin e, cephalo h in, doxy cycline, sarafloxac in w ere h igh w ih sensi ive ra e of 75% - 100% . W h ile he ir sensi ivi y on am p ic illin, c iprofloxac in, p en icillin com p ound su lfam e h oxazole, pen ic illin, norfloxa


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