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钦 州 学 院 本科毕业论文(设计) 浅谈传统文化对现代平面广告的影响及意义 院 系 美术创意学院 专 业 广告艺术设计 学 生 班 级 姓 名 学 号 指导教师单位 钦州学院美术创意学院 指导教师姓名 指导教师职称 2011年 12月 浅谈传统文化对现代平面广告的影响及意义 摘要 我们面对不断发展的平面广告设计,以及外来艺术浪潮对中国传统艺术带来冲击以及新思想、新观念的不断涌现,如何认识民族传统文化艺术与现代艺术设计在平面广告设计过程中的关系,成为当下平面广告设计领域应认真研究的课题。在我国,平面广告设计作品中,时时流露出民族传统绘画造型艺术潜移默化的影响,分析这些影响,肯定其中积极的因素,将会有助于发展中国平面广告设计。我们应该在正确认识数码科技平面设计的同时,重视民族传统文化的形成,同时摆脱盲目崇拜国外平面设计潮流的思想,在不断吸取外来文化设计优点思想的同时,创作出具有我国本民族特色的平面设计形象,使作品伫立世界之林时带上自己的特有的面孔。 关键词:平面设计 传统文化 On traditional culture on modern plane advertisement influence and significance Environmental art professional 2008 classes GanYancan Instructor LiWeiwei Abstract We face the continuous development of plane advertisement design, and foreign art tide of Chinese traditional art and impact the new thought, the new ideas are constantly emerging, how to understand the traditional national culture art and modern art design on the print advertisement design process relations, as the plane advertisement design field should seriously of research. In our country, the plane advertisement design work, always reveal a traditional painting art exerts a subtle influence on modelling, analysis the influence, which must be positive factor, will help the development of Chinas plane advertisement design. We should be in a correct understanding of digital technology graphic design at the same time, pay attention to the formation of the national traditional culture, and get rid of blind worship of foreign graphic design tide ideology, unceasingly absorb foreign culture design advantage thought at the same time, the creation of an our country the national characteristics of the plane design image, the work becomes the world stood on its own special face. Keywords:Graphic designTraditional culture 目录 前言 ……………………………………………………………………………………… 1一、平面广告的现状………………………………………………………………………2 (一)世界平面广告设计的现状……………………………



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