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2009年报内容 目 录 Contents 一、总经理致辞 Address from President 二、组织架构 Organizations and Persons in Charge 三、市场发展 Market Development 四、市场监管 Market Surveillance 五、市场开发 Marketing 六、市场创新 Innovation and Development 七、市场宣传 Publicity 八、合作交流 Cooperation and Intercommunication 九、大事记 Events 十、统计资料 Statistics 2009年与2008年成交量、成交金额、年末持仓量对比表 2009年分品种月成交量、成交金额统计表 2009年最大日成交量和持仓量统计表 2009年分品种月末持仓统计表 2009年分品种交割情况统计表 2009年分品种分合约交割情况统计表 2009年期转现数量统计表 2009年分品种分月份仓单情况统计表 Futures Trading Volume, Value and Final Open Interests in 2009 and 2008 Monthly Trading Volume and Value by Commodity in 2009 Maximum Daily Trading Volume and Open Interests in 2009 Monthly Open Interests by Commodity in 2009 Delivery Volume by Commodity in 2009 Delivery Volume by Contract in 2009 Exchange for Physicals (EFPs) Volume in 2009 Monthly On Warrants and Cancelled Warrants by Contract in 2009 十一、会员单位 Member Firms 会员名单 Member Firms List 一、总经理致辞 Address from President 2009年,在中国证监会正确领导下,我国期货市场有效应对全球金融危机冲击,继续保持了良好的发展势头。2009年期货市场最鲜明的特点是,期货市场功能得到进一步发挥,为实体经济服务的能力明显增强;期货新品种上市,扩大了期货市场服务产业的覆盖面实现了“量的扩大”和“质的提升”双飞跃,标志着我国期货市场进入了一个崭新发展阶段。 In 2009, under the correct leadership of China Security Regulatory Commission, Chinese futures market responds to the international financial crises effectively and keeps positive trend of development. The most distinguishing feature of the futures market in 2009 is the further intensified functions of futures market and enhanced capability of serving industrial economy. Listing of new commodities expands the service scope of futures market and achieves rapid advancing of both “enlarged volume” and “improved quality”, which reflexes that the Chinese futures market has entered into a brand new developing phase. 在过去的一年里,郑州商品交易所各项工作也取得了积极成效。市场开发和服务更加全面深入,业务规则制度安排更加科学合理,风险监控机制更加严格有效,信息技术系统更加安全巩固,已上市品种培育更趋均衡,市场功能与作用发挥更加显著,市场满意度得到进一步提升。 During the past year, Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange (ZCE) has achieved positive effects in different areas. The market development and service are completed


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