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第一章分析化学实验基本知识 (1)
第二章分析化学基本操作 (8)
第 三 章 实 验 部 分 (43)
实验一实验室安全常识与基本技能培训 (43)
1 Basic knowledge of laboratory (45)
实验二称量练习 (48)
2 Weighing exercise (49)
实验三氯化钡结晶水的测定 (50)
3 Determination of the water of crystallization In barium chloride (53 )
实验四氢氧化钠标准溶液 (〇• lmol/L ) 的配制与标定 (56)
4 Preparation and standardization of sodium hydroxide solution (58)
实验五药物阿司匹林的含量测定 (60)
5 Determination of purity of salicyclic acetate (62)
实验六盐酸标准溶液 (〇.2mol/L ) 的配制与标定 (64)
6 Preparation and standardization of standardized 0. 2mol/L hydrochloride acid
solution (65)
实验七药用氧化锌的含量测定 (67)
7 Determination of zinc oxide for pharmaceutical use (68)
实验八药用硼砂的含量测定 (7〇)
8 Determination of borax for pharmaceutical use . (71)
实验九双指示剂测定未知混合碱 (72)
9 Determination of Na2C03 - NaHC03 - NaOH unknown (74)
实验十高氯酸标准溶液 (〇• lmol/L ) 的配制与标定 (77)
10 Preparation and standardization of perchloric ac*id solution (0. lmol/L )
实验十一药物水杨酸钠的含量测定 (81)
11 Determination of sodium salicylate (82)
实验十二 EDTA标准溶液 (0.05mol/L ) 的配制与标定 (84)
12 Preparation and standardization of standard EDTA solution (86 )
实验十三明矾的测定 (89)
13 Determination of aluminium potassium sulfaten i Alum (90)
实验十四容量仪器校正 (92)
14 Calibration of volumetric glassware (94 )
实验十五 0• 05mol/L破溶液的配制与标定. — . (96)
15 Preparation and standardization of 0. 05mol/L iodine solution (98)
实验十六硫代硫酸钠标准溶液 (0. lmol/L ) 的配制和标定 〜, (】00)
16 Preparation and standardization of sodium thiosulphate solution (0. lmol/L )
…… (l 〇2)