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“怎么,我在这里碍你的事?”玄溟连眼皮也没抬,一双白嫩的手在飞针走线。“不敢,老太太。可教室不是人人都进得的!”马敬说完这话就后悔了,他知道局长太太暴烈的脾气, 这一句话也许会把他送入地狱。 “So what? Whats wrong with Im here? Xuanming said without raising her eyes. Her pretty fingers moved nimbly. How dare I , madame. But the classroom is not a place for whoever! knowing that Madam Commissioner is a person who is hot-tempered, Majing repented his words which might put him into the hell. 若木的装束永远与众不同。全班三十人只有四个女同学。还有三个都已有了男朋友。无论若木如何有钱如何与众不同,她还是被剩下了。 Ruomus outfits is alway different from others. There are only four girls in the thirty-students class, and three of them have got boyfriends already. Ruomu was still left alone no matter how property she got or how different she is. 孟静是班里最漂亮的。父亲是个钟表匠。孟静到底是小家碧玉,有些小性儿,一些小事上爱拔尖儿,别人一般的倒不计较,只是若木,常在于无声处,给她几句不酸不凉的话。若木讲这些话的时候总是分外和颜悦色,让孟静又气恼又发作不得。 Mengjing ,whose father is a watchmaker, is the most fascinating girl in the class. However, Mengjing always concerns for some slight mishap, after all, she is a pretty young lady of humble birth with some attitude. She will not be bothered by others in normal times. Ruomu is the only one who makes her mad but can not break out without too much words but just silence and give her several caustic words. 天之灵气,地之福泽 – 庐山西海 The nimbus of the heaven, the splendor and bliss of the earthLuShan XiHai 清晨,第一缕阳光惊醒了黎明的寂静,轻拂着这方水土;傍晚,最后一抹余晖掠过这里的山山水水,欲走还留。在巍巍的九岭山脉怀抱中,庐山西海国际温泉度假村如同含苞待放的少女,尽情享受着大自然的恩赐。天高云淡,水暖风清,自然无法,养生有道,天之灵气,地之福泽,尽集于此。西海温泉,养生之泉,长寿之源。 In the early morning, the first streak of sunlight woke the stillness of dawn and lied down on the land. At night fall, the last glow lifted over the hills and streams here, half turn to go,yet turning stay. In the arm of the lofty peaks, enjoying the gift from the nature, LuShan XiHai International Hot Sring Holiday Resort like a shy girl in bud. The sky is high, the clouds are light, the stream is warm, the wind is pure. There is no law for nature but for health. The nimbus of the heaven, the splendor and bliss of the earth, are all collected here.


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