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* 小区重选参数见无线参数调整P87 CRH的含义见调整P50 NCCPERM,CB分别见调整P52,P57 * CRH相当于扩展了小区的边界,一般取4,相当于8dBm。 * 相关参数; CB:小区接入禁止参数,取0时此小区禁止接入,但可以切换,一般情况下1800小区与900小区 有相同覆盖而又不属于同一个LA时,会出现频繁的LOCATING UPDATA,此时可以将1800小 区禁止,从而防止SDCCH的拥塞( LOCATING UPDATA 在SDCCH上进行) CBQ:小区接入优先级,仅对2段手机有效,CB与CBQ组合使用如表 * 1. The MS listens to BCCH in the new cell to determine the LAI. The new LAI is compared to the old one. If they differ, a location update is necessary. 2. The MS establishes a connection with the network via SDCCH. Authentication is performed. 3. If authentication is successful, the MS sends a Location Updating Request to the system. 4. The system acknowledges Location Updating and requests RBS and MS to release the signaling channel. * 1. Authentication is performed. If authentication is successful, the VLR checks its database to determine whether or not it has a record for this MS. 2. When the VLR finds no record for the MS, it sends a request to the subscriber’s HLR for a copy of the MS’s subscription. 3. The HLR passes the information to the VLR and updates its location information for the subscriber. The HLR instructs the old VLR to delete the information it has on the MS. 4. The VLR stores its subscription information for the MS, including the latest location and status (idle). The VLR sends acknowledgement to the MS. * Parameter ATT should always be set to YES so that the system is alerted when the mobile powers on or off. This will prevent unnecessary pagings of the mobile when it is no longer available. BTDM should be set equal T3212. A recommended value is between one hour (T3212 = 10) and four hours (T3212 = 40). * 1、MS发送IMSI attach消息到网络,表明其状态改变为 空闲。 2、VLR检查当前是否有该用户的记录,如果无,VLR去该用户的HLR拷贝信息。 3、VLR更新MS的状态为空闲。 4、网络发送确认消息给MS。 * The number of required SDCCH/8 is specified by the SDCCH parameter. The CBCH is defined by the CBCH parameter. Only oneCBCH can be specified, that is, either the channel combination SDCCH/4 including a CBCH or SDCCH/8 including a CBCH can be defined in a cell.



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