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BROCADE SilkWorm 3800光纤通道交换机 说明书 EMC ds-16b2 2008年11月24日 15:13 About This Guide ? this guide provides the following information: ? ??? chapter 1 ? ??? introducing the silkworm 3800 overview of the silkworm 3800. ? ??? chapter 2 ? ??? installing and configuring the silkworm 3800 ?牋?instructions for installing, and configuring the silkworm 3800. ?牋?chapter 3 ?牋?operating the silkworm 3800 instructions for basic switch operation and how to interpret system activity. ?牋?appendix a product specifications ?牋?description of components, physical specifications, environmental and other facility requirements, switch memory, and standards compliance. ?牋?glossary ?牋?definitions for the terms used in this document and in related brocade documentation. ? ??? index ? ??? topics indexed alphabetically. ? ? ? ? Introducing the SilkWorm 3800 2008年11月24日 15:15 ? this chapter provides the following information: ? ??? 1.overview on 1 ? ??? 2.monitoring and managing the silkworm 3800 on 3 ? ? Overview 2008年11月24日 15:15 ? the silkworm 3800 is a 16-port fibre channel gigabit switch that supports link speeds up to 2 gbps. each port automatically negotiates to the highest common speed of all devices connected to the port. the ports are compatible with sfps (small form factor pluggable media), are universal and self-configuring, and are capable of individually becoming an f_port (fabric enabled), fl_port (fabric loop enabled), or an e_port (expansion port). ?牋?the silkworm 3800 includes the brocade fabric operating system?version 3.0, and is compatible with the entire brocade silkworm product family. it can operate in a fabric containing multiple switches or as the only switch in a fabric. the silkworm 3800 is one rack unit in height, has an air-cooled chassis, and can be set up as a stand-alone unit or mounted in a 19-inch rack. the silkworm 3800 includes the following ?牋?1.16 optical ports, each with two leds (light-emitting diodes), one to indicate port status a


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