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题目名称: “昨天、今天、明天” ——“真功夫”的现状分析与未来畅想 团队名称: 山东大学 Business Navigator团队 指导老师: 乔岳 团队成员: 彭亚楠 王翔 孙嘉庚 魏颖 杨武杰 综述 20世纪以来,随着社会化大生产及专业化分工的不断发展,城市化的不断演进,现代人生活节奏的逐渐加快,快餐业应运而生,具有强大的生命力。在餐饮企业中,快餐企业已割据三分天下,快餐业成为中国餐饮业市场中极具潜力的分支。而在快餐市场,以肯德基、麦当劳为代表的西式快餐仅占两成的份额,中式快餐已经占据八成的份额。 “真功夫”作为中式快餐行业的领跑者,通过模仿学习、创新发展、品牌营销三个阶段,打造了科学营养化、标准化、连锁化三大核心竞争力,成为了目前为中国直营店数最多、规模最大的中式快餐连锁企业。 本文运用波特五力模型、SWOT等分析工具对“真功夫”的内外部环境进行了详尽深入的分析。在外部环境分析中,展开了对快餐行业、快餐市场、消费者选择因素的纵向分析,以及将“真功夫”与竞争对手相比较的横向分析。在内部分析中,从品牌营销、核心竞争力构建等方面展开深入分析,得出“真功夫”的三大核心竞争力。 然而,“真功夫”目前还存在很多制约其进一步发展的问题,如继续扩张的资金隐患、家族化股权划分不合理、营销推广不足等。针对这些问题,我们提出了相应地解决方案和发展建议,最终形成了一套“真功夫”未来的发展战略。 关键词: “真功夫” 科学营养化 标准化 品牌营销 直营模式 去家族化 扩张隐忧 Abstract With the consistent development of large-scale socialized production along with division of labor based on specialization and the acceleration of the process of urbanization since the arrival of the 21st century, the main rhythm of citizens become more and more faster. Under these circumstances, fast-food industry gradually comes into existence and plays an increasingly crucial role in the society. Among the entire food and beverage industry, fast-food industry has already occupy more than 30 per cent of the market share, which makes it a strong power of great potential. Furthermore, in the fast-food market, Chinese fast food possess 80 per cent of the market share, whereas the western one only has 20 per cent. As the bellwether of fast-food industry, through imitative learning, innovative development and brand marketing, Kungfu has made three key drivers, namely nutrition orientation, standardized production and chain stores, eventually becoming a fast food chain enterprise with the most regular chains and the largest scale currently in China. The report is keen on the comprehensive and profound analysis of the internal and external market environment with the theoretic tools, such as Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model and SWOT Model. The external analysis focuses on the vertical profile of fast-food market, fast-food


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