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摘  要 开发学生成绩查询管理系统,提高成绩管理效率,方便学生和教师使用,近而提升教务管理自动化、现代化、信息化对于学校的教务考务工作极其重要。论文介绍了信息技术学院学生成绩查询管理系统的开发过程。详尽论述了从需求分析、系统逻辑方案、系统总体设计、详细设计的整个开发过程。遵循软件工程的部分方法。 文章中所论述的是一个基于B/S结构的管理信息系统的开发过程,需求分析阶段使用组织结构图和业务流程图对用户的需求进行分析。系统逻辑方案的设计使用数据流程图和数据字典对系统做逻辑设计。系统总体设计使用HIPO图等工具,因为使用的是已有数据库,所以在数据库分析上只列出了数据库关系说明部分。文章尽可能详细的描述了从整个系统的开发过程。可作为同类计算机管理信息系统开发的应用参考。 系统的功能模块清晰明了,连接紧凑。系统自动完成数据的汇总、查询和计算。不但提高了工作效率,而且提高了质量,保证了数据的准确性、有效性和可靠性。另外,可以根据需要随时进行在线查询、管理等工作,及时准确地反映了学生成绩信息。 系统在开发的过程中采用JSP 开发工具与Tomcat服务器及成熟的软件研发技术,在一些JSP较为敏感的问题上做了大量工作,这些问题的解决将会在文章内加以说明。 The Query Management System on Student Performance Abstract Develop the student performance query management system, improve the efficiency of management of the score, facilitate students and teachers use, near promoting educational administration mechanography, modernization, informationization educational administration in school test affair work extremely important. The article introduces the process of developing student performance query management system of Information and Technology College. And it is exhaustively elaborated the whole developing process from demand analysis, system logic solutions, system design overallly, detailed design, and also some partial methods of the software engineering. What was expounded the fact is a development process based on the management information system of B/S structure in the article, the demand is analysed stage uses the organization structure chart and opertional flow chart to analyse carry out the demands of users. The design of the logic scheme of the system uses the data flow chart and data dictionary to do logic design to the system. The system is overall to design and use the tools, such as HIPO picture, etc.Since the use of the database is available, it explain some to only list the relation of the database in the database is analysed. Development process from the whole system of description as detailed as possible in the article. The application that can be developed as the similar computer


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