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Carnival;Do you know these festivals ?;Do you know these festivals? ;vocabulary;;1.pretend v.假装;假扮 Ordinary people could pretend to be rich and important, while famous people could have romantic adventures in secret. 普通人可以装成阔佬和要人,而名人也可以偷偷地体验浪漫的奇遇。 (回归课本P32) 观察思考 He pretended not to know the facts. 他佯装不知实情。 ;归纳拓展 pretend后接动词时总是接不定式。如果假装的动作 早于主句谓语动词表示的动作,用不定式的完成 式;若与主句谓语动词表示的动作同时发生,用不定 式的进行式。 to do sth.假装要做某事 to be doing sth.假装正在做某事 to have done sth.假装做完了某事 pretend+n. pretend+that-clause;活学活用 Peter pretended me when I passed the coffee shop. A.not to see B.having not see C.not see D.not seeing 解析 pretend not to do sth.假装没做某事; 不定式的否定式是在不定式符号to前加not。;2.wander vi.漫步;闲逛 As you through the streets,you see thousands of masks—elegant or frightening, sad or amusing,traditional or modern... 当你在街上漫步时,你会看到成千上万的面具——优雅的或吓人的,悲伤的或搞笑的,传统的或现代的…… (回归课本P33);观察思考 The child wandered off and got lost. 那个孩子走散后迷路了。 I’ll just wander around the mall for half an hour. 我要在商场闲逛半个小时。 I’m sorry,my mind was wandering.What did you say? 对不起,我有点儿走神。刚才你说什么? ;归纳拓展 wander about/over漫游 wander through穿过 wander off/away偏离(正道);迷路;走散 活学活用 His mind is and he doesn’t know what the teacher says. A.wondering B.wandering C.walking D.washing 解析 句意为:他的注意力不集中,不知道老师说 的话。;3.mark n.分数;记号;标志;得分;痕迹;v.标明;标志;打分数,批改 This the beginning of the slave trade. 这标志着奴隶贸易的开始。(回归课本P39) 观察思考 You can’t afford to get another low mark in English. 你的英语不能再得低分了。 Food marked with red stars are included inthe recipe. 标有红星的食品被列入了食谱。;I’ve got a pile of exam papers to mark. 我有一堆试卷要批改。 On the day of the funeral,businesses remained closed as a mark of respect. 葬礼那天,各行业都停业以示敬意。 ;归纳拓展 mark with...用……作标记 mark on...在某物上作记号 a trademark商标 full marks满分 high/low mark高/低分 get 90 marks for English英语得了90分 as a mark of...作为……的标志 mark sth. down记下 mark papers批阅试卷;活学活用 Many occasions—birthdays,awards,grad


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