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Italian Business Dictionary
Morry Sofer
General Editor
MariCarmen Pizarro
Italian Editor
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval
system without written permission from the publisher, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a
First Taylor Trade electronic publication, 2011
eISBN 978-1-58979-732-1
Business language around the world in the twenty-first century is in a state
of rapid change. This creates the need for new business dictionaries that are
not tied to the past but rather reflect the new global economy. This is
particularly true in regard to an English-Italian business dictionary, which
brings together two economic systems that are far from identical.
Many of the English business terms in this dictionary are very American-
specific. As such, they do not always have equivalent terms in Italian and
therefore are explained in some detail.
This dictionary covers many areas of business, such as banking,
insurance, real estate, export-import, stock market, and more. In addition,
several hundred business-related computer and internet terms have been
The user of this dictionary is advised not to look upon all the Italian
terms herein included as cast in stone. Some may be questioned by
business professionals. But it goes without saying that the need for this
kind of dictionary is urgent and should go a long way in contributing to
better trade relations between English-speaking and Italian-speaking
business partners.
How to Use the Dictionary
The first section of the dictionary—English into Italian—provides
definitions and explanations of American business
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