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2010届毕业设计说明书 YA32-315型剪板机液压系统设计 系 、 部: 机械工程系 学生姓名: 指导教师: 专 业: 班 级: 完成时间: 摘 要 液压技术是现代制造的基础,它的广泛应用,很大程度上代替了普通成型加工,全球制造业发生了根本性变化。因此,液压技术的水准、拥有和普及程度,已经成为衡量一个国家综合国力和现代化水平的重要标志。为适合这种行势,需要大量设计一些液压机的工作系统。本次就是要设计一款剪板机液压系统。液压技术已被世界各国列为优先发展的关键工业技术,成为当代国际间科技竞争的重点。 本书为机械类液压设计说明书,是根据液压设计手册上的设计程序及步骤编写的。本书的主要内容包括:剪板机液压系统的设计课题及有关参数;液压缸工作压力和流量的确定;液压系统图的拟定;驱动电机及液压元件的选择;液压系统主要性能的验算;设计体会;参考文献等。 编写本说明书时,力求符合设计步骤,详细说明了液压系统的设计方法,以及各种参数的具体计算方法,如液压元件的规格选取等。 本书在编写过程中,得到李老师和同学的大力支持和帮助,在此一起表示衷心的感谢。 由于编写水平有限,书中难免有缺点和错误之处,恳请老师批评指正。 关键词 剪板机;液压缸;液压泵;系统压力 ABSTRACT Hydraulic technology is the foundation of modern manufacturing, and its wider application, to a large extent replaced the ordinary forming, the global manufacturing sector has undergone fundamental changes. Therefore, the hydraulic technology standards, possession and penetration, has become of a countrys comprehensive national strength and an important indicator of the level of modernization. This trip is suitable for potential, a lot needs to design some hydraulic system of work. This is to design a cutting plate machine hydraulic system. Hydraulic technology has been around the world as a priority the development of key industrial technology, a contemporary international competition in science and technology focus. The book for hydraulic machinery design specification is based on hydraulic design manual on the design of the procedures and steps to prepare. The main content of this book include: cutting plate machine hydraulic system design issues and related parameters; hydraulic cylinder pressure and flow of work to be confirmed; hydraulic system of the plan drawn up; drive motor and hydraulic components of choice; hydraulic system Checking performance of the major design experience, references, etc.. The preparation of this statement, to step in with the design, a detailed descript


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