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UNIVERSITY 本 科 毕 业 论 文(设 计) 题目: 冰箱扣手注塑模具设计 学 院: 工学院 姓 名: XXXXXXXXX 学 号: XXXXXXXXX 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 年 级: 机制 指导教师: XXXXXXXXX 职 称: 讲师 二○一二 年 五 月 摘 要 冰箱扣手为塑料成型制品,是以塑料为主要结构材料经成型加工获得的制品。塑料成型制品应用广泛,特别是在电子仪表、电器设备、通信工具、生活用品等方面获得大量应用。 塑料制件的主要加工方法是塑料成型加工。塑料成型是将各种形态的塑料原料熔融塑化或加热达到要求的塑性状态,在一定压力下经过要求形状模具或填充到要求模具模腔内,待冷却定型后,获得要求形状、尺寸及性能塑料制件的生产过程。 本文就所给的冰箱扣手零件图,基于CAD/CAE技术进行注塑模具的设计。要求掌握注射模设计的一般方法,了解注射机的工作原理以及模具的加工方法。 采用Pro/E对零件进行结构分析,进行塑料注塑模的设计计算,选用合适的注射机,设计模架,浇注系统等方面,为保证制件的顺利脱模,还设计了侧抽芯机构,并绘制模具三维图。 关键词:塑料,注射模,注射机,Pro/E Abstract: The refrigerator hand-clasping is the plastic molding products,as the main structure material in plastic forming processing get products. The plastic molding products applied widely, especially in the electronic instrument, electrical equipment, and communication tools, supplies, etc acquire a large application. The main processing plastic objects were method is plastic forming.The plastic molding is will some form of plastic raw material plastication melt or heating to meet requirements of plastic state, under some pressure after request shape of mold or filling requirements to mold a mold cavity, wait for after cooling to finalize the design, procurement requirements shape, size and performance of plastic parts production process. This paper is the refrigerator hand-clasping part drawing, based on CAD/CAE technique of injection mold design.Requires knowledge of the design of injection mould general method, know injection machine principle of work and mold processing method. The Pro/E to parts structure analysis, plastic injection mold design calculation, choose appropriate injection machine, design formwork, gating system, etc, to ensure that the products smooth stripping, also designed the side core-pulling mechanism, and


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