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摘 要 近年来,随着国民经济的快速发展,车辆的数量也在飞速增长,交通拥挤和阻塞的现象也频繁的出现。交通阻塞已经成为城市交通所迫切要解决的难题。而交通信号灯的出现对于解决这种问题产生了重要的意义。现在各个路口的路况都不是固定不变的,而是随着时间的变化而不断变化的,有些时候,可能还会发生各种意想不到的突发状况,所以设计出一个智能的交通控制系统意义深远。 交通信号灯的控制方式有很多,本系统采用MCS-51系列单片机AT89C51和8255等来设计交通控制器,实现能根据实际车流量实时的改变红、黄、绿灯的持续时间,也可以手动的设置控制各方向红、黄、绿灯持续时间的智能交通控制系统。同时可以实现紧急情况处理,以及一路有车一路无车等特殊情况下的交通情况控制。 本系统实用性强、操作简单、扩展功能强MSC-51,计时 Abstract In recent years, with the rapid economic development, the number of vehicles is also in rapid growth, traffic congestion and jam phenomenon also frequently appear. Traffic jams have become city transportation urgent to solve the problem. And the appearance of the traffic lights to solve this problem has an important significance. Now each intersection road conditions are not fixed, but as the change of time and constant change, some time, may still occur various unexpected emergencies, so to design a intelligent traffic control system is of far-reaching significance. The control of traffic lights in many ways, the system USES the MCS-51 single-chip microcomputer AT89C51 and 8255 series design and traffic controller, can realize real-time traffic according to actual change red, yellow, and green duration, also can set the direction of the manual control red, yellow, and green duration of intelligent traffic control system. At the same time can realize the emergency, and a car all the way along the way, no car special situations of the traffic control. This system is practical, simple operation and strong function expansion. Key words: the Traffic lights, Single-chip microcomputer, MSC-51, the timer 目 录 摘 要 I 目 录 1 第一章 绪论 2 1.1交通灯简介 2 1.1.1交通灯的历史 2 1.1.2交通灯的出现 2 1.1.3交通灯的背景以及意义 2 1.2单片机介绍 3 1.2.1单片机 3 1.2.2单片机的发展历程 3 1.2.3单片机的特点 3 1.3 MCS-51系列单片机 4 1.3.1 MCS—51单片机内部结构有8大部分 4 1.3.2单片机的内部结构 5 1.3.3 MCS-51的引脚说明 5 第2章 单片机控制交通系统总体设计 7 2.1单片机交通控制系统通行方案设计 7 2.2单片机交通控制系统的功能要求 8 2.2.1倒计时显示 8 2.2.2时间手动设置 8 2.2.3 紧急处理 9 2.3单片机交通控制系统的基本构成及原理 9 第3章 系统硬件电路设计 10 3.1系统硬件总电路构成及原理 10 3.2系统工作原理 10 第4章 系统软件设计 12 4.1一道有车另一


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