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毕业设计说明书(论文)中文摘要 本设计为嘉兴市某学校行政楼中央空调系统。建筑共5层,每层净高均为3.6m。总面积为5193.08㎡,空调面积为3388.32㎡,建筑总冷负荷为.2W,总热负荷为.78W。根据各房间大小、功能等具体情况,在负荷计算的基础上,通过空调方案比较,采用了风机盘管加新风和全空气两种空调系统形式。风机盘管为卧式暗装,新风不承担室内负荷,室内回风与新风混合后送出。全空气系统为一次回风系统。室内送风,宽大面积房间采用散流器平送方式,较小面积房间采用侧送风方式,风口为单层百叶风口。水系统采用闭式异程两管制系统。选用了RTXA+418型号的风冷螺杆式冷水/热泵机组,到达夏季供冷、冬季供热的效果。水管用泡沫橡塑保温,风管采用玻璃棉。设计工程中考虑了保温、消声、减振的措施。 关键词 行政楼,风机盘管加新风系统,全空气系统,风冷热泵机组 毕业设计说明书(论文)外文摘要 Abstract The design for the central air conditioning system in Jiaxing city administrative building of a school. The building consists of 5 layers, each layer height was 3.6m. The total area is 5193.08m2, the air conditioning area is 3388.32m2, the total building cooling load is .21W, the total heat load is .78W. According to the specific circumstances of the room size, the function, the load calculation based on, through the air conditioning scheme comparison, use of the fan coil plus fresh air and the two kinds of air conditioning systems. The horizontal recessed fan coil, does not bear the load of fresh air, fresh air and indoor air return after mixing out. The entire air system for a return air system. Indoor air, with an area of large room to use the bulk flow leveling device to send, smaller room with side air outlets for single louver. Water system adopts closed two different control system. The air-cooled screw - cold water / RTXA+418 type heat pump unit, to cooling in summer, winter heating effect. Use of foam rubber insulation pipes, air pipe with glass wool. Design consideration of thermal insulation,noise elimination,vibration damping measures. Key Words: The administration building,fun coil plus fresh air system,air system,air cooled heat pump 前言 本篇文章是对嘉兴某学校行政楼中央空调的设计计算说明。为能够满足整个大楼设计的完整性、舒适性、经济性等,本篇文章就是系统地阐述整个设计过程。首先对整栋大楼的建筑外形结构有个初步的了解,在成本合理的情况下尽量设计出既舒适又美观的空调系统,满足人们的需求。考虑到后期的建筑变动,需要对整个设计做出预算,最好一次性完美地完成工程。本次设计从负荷计算,空调方案选择,系统设备安装,做到一气呵成。本文就是空调系统设计的缩影,从计算到校核,从理论基础到实际工程,科学合理的完成每一个环节。 空调负荷的计算是整个设计的基础,也是后面选择空调方案的重要依据。系统风量的计算,气流组织的计算,空气处理设备的热工计算,水系统的水力计算等,这些都是本文要计算到内容。


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