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本科生毕业设计 毕业设计题目 基于labview的10kv箱变的plc监控系统研究 学 生 姓 名 所 在 学 院 专业及班级 指 导 教 师 完 成 日 期 2012年5月30日 基于labview的10kV箱变的PLC监控系统研究 摘要 电力能源是我们日常生活离不开的重要资源,在我们这样一个人口众多的国家,合理分配电力资源及提高电能质量显得尤为重要,。中国电力工业从1882年有电以来,至今已走过了122年的光辉历史。而在电力领域,电力设备的监控已经成为了或可缺少的一项技术。传统的电能质量参数监测系统多以硬件为核心,功能单一,已经无法满足日益复杂的多参数、实时性的测试要求。近年来,计算机技术、通信技术以及测试测量技术的不断发展推动了虚拟仪器(Virtual Instrument)技术的不断发展。虚拟仪器具有软件功能丰富、硬件结构简单、高度智能化等特点,主要应用于测量、控制和仿真等领域。本论文针对10KV变电柜的三相电流、三相电压、谐波、温度及湿度,利用NI公司的采集卡和labview虚拟仪器技术针对这些量进行了在线监测,并且通过西门子公司的S7-200PLC模块与lavbiew软件的通讯实现了对断路器的远程状态监控。本论文描述中所组建的监控系统具有抗干扰性强及实时性强等优点,在监控领域具有很好的应用前景。 关键词:labview PLC 箱式变电站 监控 Abstract Electrical energy is an important resource for our daily life, and in our such a country with a large population, how to rationally allocate electricity resource as well as enhance the quality of power, which is becoming particularly important. Since from 1882, Chinas power industry has operated, it has come through a glorious history for 122 years. And in the field of electric power, the electric power equipment monitoring has become a indispensable technology. Most traditional power quality parameter monitoring system take hardware as core and only have single function, and thus have been unable to meet the increasingly complex multi-parameter, real-time testing requirements. Nowadays, with the development of computer technology, communication technology and test measures, virtual instrument technology have been promoted. Virtual instrument has rich software functions, simple hardware structure as well as high intelligence, and is mainly used in measurement, control and simulation field. This paper is aimed at the 10 KV substation of ark of three-phase, three-phase voltages, three harmonic, temperature and humidity, using the NI companys acquisition card and labview virtual instrument techno


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