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成人高等教育毕业设计(论文) 题 目:基于PLC控制的恒压供水系统 专 业:电气工程自动化技术 班 级: 学 生: 指导教师: 年 摘要 随着我们国家社会和经济的发展,住房制度改革的不断深入,人们生活水平的不断提高,城市建设发展十分迅速,同时也对基础设施建设提出了更高的要求。城市供水系统的建设是其中的一个重要方面,供水的可靠性、稳定性、经济性直接影响到用户的正常工作和生活,也直接体现了供水管理水平的高低。传统供水厂,特别是中小供水厂所普遍采用的恒速泵加压供水方式存在效率较低、可靠性不高、自动化程度低等缺点,难以满足当前经济生活的需要。随着人们对供水质量和供水系统可靠性要求的不断提高,需要利用先进的自动化技术、控制技术以及通讯技术,要求设计出高性能、高节能、能适应供水厂复杂环境的恒压供水系统成为必然趋势。 本文阐明了供水系统的变频调速节能原理,具体分析了变频恒压供水的原理及系统的组成结构,提出不同的控制方案,通过研究和比较,得出结论:变频调速是一种优于调压调速、机械调速等其他调速方式的方案,也是当今国际上一项效益最高、性能最好、应用最广、最有发展前途的电机调速技术,它集微机控制技术、电力电子技术和电机传动技术于一体,实现了工业交流电动机的无级调速,具有高效率、宽范围和高精度等特点的结论。因此本文以采用变频器和PLC 组合构成系统方式,逐步阐明如何实现水压恒定供水得实现[1]。 最后,从分析恒压变频供水的可行性,改造的理论、技术、经济可行性等方面,确定变频器的参数,设计变频主电路、变频电机的运行模式、控制模式及流程。 关键词:恒压供水,变频调速,PLC ABSTRACT With the development of Chinas social life, the deepening of housing reform, the continuous improvement of living standards, rapid development of urban construction, but also on a higher infrastructure demands,The construction of urban water supply system is one important aspect of water supply reliability, stability, economy directly affect the users normal work and life, but also directly reflects the level of water supply management, Traditional water supply plant, in particular small and medium water plant widely used by the constant speed pump pressure there is less efficient water supply, reliability is not high, low automation shortcomings, can not meet the current needs of economic life,This paper highlights the energy supply system frequency control theory, detailed analysis of the principle of variable frequency and constant pressure water supply system, the composition of the structure and proposed a different control scheme, through research and comparison, concluded that: a kind of frequency control is better than surge speed, mechanical speed governor means other programs, is also a benefit of todays international, highest performance, most widely, the most promising of motor control technology, It combines computer control technology, e


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