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毕业设计论文 作者 学号 系部 专业 题目 基于Proteus的单片机实时时钟的仿真设计 指导教师 评阅教师 完成时间: 毕业设计论文中文摘要 (题目):基于Proteus的单片机实时时钟的仿真设计 摘要:本设计论述的是一个基于Proteus技术的单片机的实时时钟仿真系统的实现。使用了Proteus软件技术和Keilc软件进行仿真和调试,最终实现日常的时钟显示,它还可以对年、月、日、周日、时、分、秒进行计时,具有闰年补偿功能,同时具有时钟调整、闹钟等功能。 本电子时钟设计首要的工作是结合以往所学的单片机程序编写理论和编写规则来编写电子时钟的软件部分,编写时要结合所配的STM8S105芯片的管脚功能和其他硬件电路,如DS1302时钟芯片和LCD1602液晶显示屏,该部分运用STVD单片机软件来完成。在编写完软件并检测完正确后用仿真硬件检测运行检测程序是否正确,并调试。待这一切工作做好后再利用系统板硬件电路来实践实现软件功能与硬件的结合。并应用Proteus的ISIS软件实现了单片机电子时钟系统的设计与仿真。该方法仿真效果真实、准确,节省了硬件资源。 关键词:Proteus 实时时钟 单片机 仿真 毕业设计论文外文摘要 (Title) : based on single chip Proteus design simulation of real-time clock Abstract: this paper based on the design of a single chip Proteus technology of the realization of the simulation system for real-time clock. USES the Proteus software technology and Keilc software simulation and debugging, finally realizes the daily the clock display, it can also on year, month, day, Sunday, when, minutes and seconds for timing, have a leap year compensation function, also has the clock adjustment, alarm clock, and other functions. This electronic clock design first work is to combine the microcontroller programming learned ever write rules to write theory and the software parts, electronic clock to write on the match when STM8S105 chip tube foot function and other hardware circuit, such as DS1302 clock chip and LCD1602 LCD screen, this part utilization STVD single-chip microcomputer software to complete. In writing the software and finished with simulation test after right hardware detection operation test procedure is correct, and debugging. Unto all this work done reuse the system board hardware circuit to practice realize the combination of hardware and software functions. And the application of ISIS software realize the Proteus microcontroller electronic clock syste


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