毕业设计(论文)-基于Visual C++的P2P文件传输系统的设计与实现精选.doc

毕业设计(论文)-基于Visual C++的P2P文件传输系统的设计与实现精选.doc

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毕业设计报告(论文) 题目:基于Visual C++的P2P文件传输系统的设计与实现peer-to-peer的缩写,或称为对等联网。P2P技术使得网络上的沟通变得容易,网络上现有的许多服务可以归入P2P的行列。即时讯息系统如微软的MSN Messenger及国内的OICQ是最流行的P2P应用。由于它们都需要有位于中心的服务器来协调,于是便有了编写本软件的构想。 本软件功能摆脱了中心服务器的束缚,是一个实用性通信软件。它的基本功能就是让用户能够在局域网甚至在广域网上点对点的进行交流。由于TCP/IP连接协议的服务是设计客户端/服务器应用程序时的主流标准,所以本软件主要采用TCP/IP协议的网络通信技术;客户端,服务器类是从CAsyncSocket类中继承来的,因此本软件通信完全是异步的;程序在 Windows XP系统、Visual C++6.0下编译通过,并在Windows NT100M 以太网上运行良好。本软件创建的是对话框应用程序,采用多线程操作;连接后服务器可以充当客户机,客户机也可以充当服务器。它们可以在同一台计算机上,也可以把应用程序复制到另一台计算机上,这样没有中间服务器存在,在两个独立的计算机上分别运行应用程序,从而通过网络传递消息。本软件主要完成了以下功能:基本文字聊天功能,传输文件功能,远程控制功能。还有语音聊天功能需要进一步改进,才能达到预期效果。在传输文件过程中,需要建立另一个进程,在新建的进程中传输文件,并且可以随时中断传输;远程控制功能主要是获取对方机器信息,获取对方进程,锁定和解锁键盘,锁定和解锁鼠标等。 关键词 P2P;客户端;服务器;通信;多线程 P 2 P Abstract P2P is the acronym for peer-to-peer, or called on other network. P2P network technology makes the communication easier, and many existing services can be classified as P2P service. Instant messaging systems such as Microsofts MSN Messenger and domestic OICQ was the most popular P2P application. As they both need the central server to coordinate the server, there is the preparation of this software concept. This software is a practical communication software, as it functions from a central server constrains. Its basic function is to allow users to the LAN or WAN in the online peer-to-peer exchange. As TCP/IP agreement linking the service is designed client / server application procedures for the mainstream standards, Therefore, the software used mainly TCP/IP agreement network communication technology; client, server from CAsyncSocket inherited category, and therefore the software is completely asynchronous communi- cation; procedures in Windows XP system and under Visual C + + 6.0 compiler , and is running good in Windows NT and 100M Ethernet.This software creates the dialog box applications through multi-threaded operation; after connection the server can act as client, Clients can also act as servers. They can be on the same computer, can also copy


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