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基于大小惯性对象的过程控制研究 Research of Process Control Based on Size of Inertial Object 总 计:页 表 格: 个插 图: 幅 基于大小惯性对象的过程控制研究 自动化专业 [摘 要] [关键词];;;esearch of Process Control Based on Size of Inertial Object Automation Specialty LIU Qing-wei Abstract: The design has studied different inertia of object control characteristics by using pressure, flow, liquid level and temperature links of the process control experimental device as the experimental object. Firstly, it has achieved four objects of the open-loop control ,acquisition of response curve and calculated the mathematical model of the object by using AI intelligent instrument .Secondly, it has also achieved the four model of the closed loop control , repeated testing after getting the optimal control parameters by using AI Intelligent instrument. Then it simulates proportional-integral-derivative algorithm of the four models through the MATLAB Simulink. Finally, according to the analysis of experimental data and the simulation results, it has summarized contrast, pressure, flow, liquid level and temperature of the four objects inertia characteristics, reaching a conclusion that we should use AI intelligent instrument and conventional proportional integral differential control algorithm features and the differences between them when facing size inertial object . Key words: AI intelligent instrument; Mathematical model; Simulation; Proportion integration differentiation algorithm 目录 引言1.1 研究的1.2 研究的问题及解决的思路 2 实验软硬件及算法介绍 2.1 主要软硬件介绍 本次毕业设计所涉及到的实验设备有传感器(液位,流量,压力,温度),智能仪表(厦门宇电AI系列),执行器(电磁阀,可控硅触发器,可控硅,加热丝)等。上位计软件:力控组态软件。以下对力控组态软件、MATLAB和智能仪表简单作下介绍。 2.1.1 力控组态软件介绍 力控ForceControlV6.1监控组态软件是北京三维力控科技根据当前的自动化技术的发展趋势,总结多年的开发、实践经验和大量的用户需求而设计开发的高端产品控监控组态软件是对现场生产数据进行采集与过程控制的专用软件,最大的特点是能以灵活多样的“组态方式”而不是编程方式来进行系统集成,它提供了良好的用户开发界面和简捷的工程实现方法,只要将其预设置的各种软件模块进行简单的“组态”便可以非常容易地实现和完成监控层的各项功能 力控监控组态软件能同时和国内外各种工业控制厂家的设备进行网络通讯,它可以与高可靠的工控计算机和网络系统结合,便可以达到集中管理和监控的目的,同时还可以方便的向控制层和管理层提供软、硬件的全部接口,来实现与“第三方”的软、硬件系统来进行整体的集成。MAT



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