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论文题目: 基于 课程名称: 学 院: 基于数字结构特征的印刷体数字识别 摘 要:字符识别是模式识别研究的一个重要领域,通过无数人大量的努力,已经取得了丰硕的成果和发现。但是,针对具体和特殊应用的特点的字符识别仍然有很大的研究空间和价值。数字识别是光学字符识别的一个重要研究方向和组成部分,主要是指使用计算机来自动识别阿拉伯数字。一个有效的,可靠的,快速的数字识别系统同时具有很重要的商业用途。本文主要研究脱机的印刷数字的识别,提出了基于数字结构特征的印刷体数字识别方法。本文基于数字识别系统的六层模型(图像获取、图像预处理、图像二值化、数字分割和归一化、数字特征提取、特征分类器六个层次),研究实现每个阶段的算法。通过实验,将本文提出的方法和基于改进的左右轮廓特征的印刷体数字识别方法进行了对比。实验结果表明本文提出的识别算法拥有较好的精度,对噪声和字形变化具有很好的鲁棒性。 关键词:印刷体数字识别;特征提取;模板特征匹配;数字结构特征 Printed Numeral Recognition Based On Digital Structure Feature Ren Lei 1, Li Tiexin 2 ,Gao zhi3 (1.Shenyang university of technology institute of information science and engineering graduate student class 1316 computer application technology, ; 2. Shenyang university of technology institute of information science and engineering graduate student class 1316 computer application technology, ; 3. Shenyang university of technology institute of information science and engineering graduate student class 1316 computer application technology ) Abstract:Character recognition, is an important field of pattern recognition, with the help of a lot of efforts made by millions of people , has achieved fruitful results and findings.However, in the light of the characteristics of concrete and special application of character recognition still has a lot of research space and value.numeral recognition , an important research direction and component of the optical character recognition , is mainly refers to use computer to automatically identify Arabic numerals.An efficient, reliable, fast numeral recognition system also has the very important business purpose.This paper mainly studies the offline printed numeral identification and propose the printed numeral recognition method based on numeral structure characteristics.Based on the six layer model of numeral recognition system .(This six levels image including acquisition, image preprocessing, image binaryzation, numeral segmentation and normali



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